How a Simple Dietary Principle Sheds Fat and Weight Rapidly |
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How a Simple Dietary Principle Sheds Fat and Weight Rapidly |
In This Issue: * Did You Know ...? * Featured Topic: Which Marine Food Contains an Antioxidant 500 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin E? * A Word from Our Sponsor: Can Your Cells' "Bio-Power" Make You Young Again? Did You Know... ![]() If you're trying to lose fat, the first and most important thing you can do is expand your thinking beyond low fat foods and calorie counting. Of course the types of foods you eat do matter, but it's the combination of foods you're eating that matters even more. Understanding and practicing proper food separation is far more effective than "dieting," which simply doesn't work to keep pounds off permanently. With the food separation method, you eat the right foods at the right times for optimal digestion and a fast metabolism. The benefits of proper food separation include better digestion, energy boost, faster metabolism, permanent fat loss, and an increased sense of well-being. This May be the Reason Why You've Failed to Get Rid of Your Excess Fat The fundamentals behind food separation are simple. Digestion is the result of chemical reactions that occur when our bodies break down food and absorb nutrients. Many popular diet systems -- such as the Atkins Diet and the Zone Diet -- don't account for the synergy of macronutrients during the digestive process. To boost your metabolism and ensure that your body is digesting food as efficiently and healthfully as possible, simply follow these two cardinal rules: 1) Eat carbohydrates only with other carbohydrates -- NEVER with proteins and fats. 2) Eat proteins and fats together with no carbohydrates. (The only carbs that are acceptable to consume with proteins and fats are greens and non-starchy vegetables or low-fat carbohydrates.) Protein foods -- meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and nuts -- need an acidic digestive environment. Carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes need an alkaline base for digestion. Acids and alkalines neutralize each other when mixed, which is what happens when you eat proteins and carbs together -- and neither are well digested. Instead, they decompose and putrefy in the gut, leading to weight gain and poor health. A survey done in the United States found an average of 5 pounds of undigested food in the stomachs of the study participants. So is it any wonder that incomplete digestion and inefficient metabolism are the prime causes of fat accumulation? Additionally, if you're not using the food separation method, you're not capitalizing on the natural fat-burning propensity of food -- and you're putting yourself at risk for a host of digestive disorders such as gas, heartburn, cramps, bloating, constipation, foul stools, bleeding hemorrhoids, colitis -- and even colon cancer. It may be challenging to shift your thinking away from the meat-and-potatoes mindset. But the results you'll see will speak for themselves. The best way to eat to optimize digestion with the food separation method is to eat small, food-separated meals every 2 to 3 hours. Because carbohydrates break down quickly and proteins spend more time in the digestive tract, it's important to alternate between protein and carbs with your mini-meals. When your body adapts to this schedule, it will begin to metabolize carbohydrates and proteins in a seamless relay. Your highly efficient metabolism will . . .
Effective food separation means letting go of comfortable -- but mismatched -- food combinations such as fruits and cereals, steak and potatoes or hamburgers on buns. If you're already working to shave some inches off your waist, you'll be amazed at the difference this simple system makes. Not Just for Shedding Weight ... but also for Health Enhancement! Even if you are not interested in dropping excess weight, there's no reason not to incorporate the food separation system into your life. It instantly reduces stress on your digestive glands and will actually improve your body's ability to eliminate waste and absorb nutrients. As Dr. William Howard Hay, one of the pioneers of food separation, said of his own conversion to the system, "If a man is a composite of what goes into him daily in the form of nourishment, then what is the use of drugging him or cutting him for the results of wrong feeding habits? It is much more to the point to change the wrong habits and let Nature perform the cure, as nature alone is able to do." = = = = = = = = = = =Featured Topic: Which Marine Food Contains an Antioxidant 500 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin E? F ![]() Krill are abundant in Arctic and Antarctic waters, and they feed on zooplankton, phytoplankton, and rich algae, which creates the bright red pigment responsible for their pinkish-red color. That reddish pigment, called astaxanthin, is regarded by many as the most powerful antioxidant in the world. Sometimes called "Vitamin X," astaxanthin is 500 times stronger than vitamin E. And unlike other antioxidants, astaxanthin crosses the blood/brain barrier, where its powerful protective activity can benefit the brain and the entire nervous system. Antioxidants protect our bodies by ridding our cells of damaging free radicals, unstable substances that contribute to chronic disease. Astaxanthin guards your cells, organs, and your entire body from oxidative damage. And it does this with exponentially more power than beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, lycopene, and lutein, other members of its chemical family. Astaxanthin has been shown to . . .
These antioxidative benefits of astaxanthin are impressive, but they are just some of the abundant medicinal properties of krill oil -- which also provides all of the health-giving properties associated with the omega-3s you've heard so much about in fish oils. Why Krill Oil is Superior to Fish Oil Krill oil has several major advantages over fish oil. First, it is much more absorbable. Your body absorbs krill oil faster and more completely than other fish oils, because of krill oil's phospholipid structure. This means you're getting more DHA and EPA omega-3s ounce for ounce compared to fish oil. And, because their chemical structure is more bioavailable, the omega-3s in krill are more powerfully effective -- with no fishy aftertaste. These advantages give krill a clear edge in potency and effectiveness, according to studies. For example, one study divided subjects into 2 groups. One group received fish oil and the other received krill-based EPA/DHA -- but only 62.8% of the dose the fish group got. Results showed that the krill group achieved equivalent EPA/DHA blood levels, even at less than 2/3 the dosage! Potent omega-3s are among the most valuable element you can include in your diet. Most people simply don't get nearly enough omega-3s from diet alone -- and as a result, they suffer unnecessarily from a variety of diseases. High levels of omega-3s can drastically reduce your risk of heart and brain problems and protect you from a wide array of other chronic health conditions. Proven benefits of omega-3 fats include . . .
Until recently, omega-3 fish oil supplements were the best option for people whose diets didn't include ample amounts of fatty fish like salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, or sardines. But new research reveals that these sources don't give you all the omega-3s you need -- and may be even risky. For example, the FDA warns that eating too much fish can put you at risk of mercury poisoning or PCB toxins and pollution. Many assume that farm-raised fish are safer, but ... according to The Journal of the American Dietetic Association, farm-raised fish may be lacking omega-3s. Another study showed that farm-raised salmon had 7 times more concentration of PCBs than wild salmon. In contrast, krill is one of the richest and healthiest source of wild omega-3s on earth -- harvested naturally from the deep icy waters around the North Pole. When krill oil is tested head-to-head against fish oil or a placebo, it produces superior results for boosting energy and overall vitality and for reducing cholesterol, inflammation, joint pain, memory problems and facial wrinkles. In one clinical study reported in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, subjects took 300 mg of krill oil or a placebo and had their C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels measured at 7 and 14 days. CRP is a blood level marker that indicates your level of risk from damaging inflammation. After 7 days, the placebo group saw their CRP levels increase by 15.7%. After 14 days, they saw their CRP levels jump a shocking 32.1%. But after 7 days, the krill oil group's CRP levels dropped 19.3%, and by 14 days, down 29.7%! 11 Times More Effective in Lowering Cholesterol Krill oil also helps reduce dangerous cholesterol, quickly and safely. A 12-week, double-blind, randomized study of 120 patients showed that those taking 1 gram of krill oil saw LDL "bad" cholesterol drop by as much as 32.03%. Subjects taking 3 grams of fish oil had only a 4.56% drop in LDL, and the placebo group had a mere 13.03% reduction. Other research has shown even more difference between krill and fish oils, with krill oil lowering LDL cholesterol by up to 55%, while fish oil achieving drops of only 5%. That's 11 times more cholesterol reduction from krill oil than with fish oil! Krill oil is the only natural source of a supercharged threefold combination of omega-3s ... phospholipids ... and astaxanthin, the world's ultra-antioxidant. It's more pure than other fish oils, more absorbable, and as a result, more potent. It's the supplement some holistic doctors are calling the new "heart and brain saver" with 48 times more antioxidant power than fish oil. According to Michael Cutler, M.D., "Virtually every health problem you're suffering from can be improved, relieved, or even eliminated with the power of nutritional medicine." Krill oil is nutritional medicine at its finest, but ... let the buyer beware...
Find out about the most remarkable health breakthrough since the discovery of penicillin -- one that enables you to put an end to ... hidden inflammation in your body ... annoying joint aches and pains ... low energy ... sleepless nights ... dreadful PMS symptoms ... vision problems ... mental fog ... forgetfulness ... premature aging ... and much more. Go here to discover why you need to throw away your fish oil capsules in favor of a far superior krill oil supplement. If the links above are not working, just copy & paste the following website address onto your Internet browser: = = = = = = = = = = A Word from Our Sponsor: Can Your Cells' "Bio-Power" Make You Young Again? It's the reason your brain cells think ... your heart cells pump blood ... and your muscles' cells generate speed, agility and strength. I call it "bio-power." It's your cells' ability to do what they're supposed to do. The problem is, as you age, your body doesn't generate as much as it did when you were in your 20s. And unless you do something about it, you will gradually feel the loss of this critical energy. But the good news is ... find out what can help you generate 8 times more of this "bio-power." Watch this video to find out how. : If the link above is not working, just copy & paste the following website address onto your Internet browser ~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If this post was forwarded to you and you're not yet an Underground Health Reporter subscriber, you can receive this weekly newsletter in your e-mail box by subscribing at ~~~~~~~~~~
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted. The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this e-mail is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
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