In This Issue:
* Did You Know ...?
* Featured Topic: Why Men Over 40 Are At Risk for Feminizing Their Bodies
* A Word from Our Sponsor: Do You Make These Retirement Mistakes?
Did You Know...
... that coconut oil has been shown to be a powerful remedy for Alzheimer's -- and dozens of other life-threatening diseases?
Fighting Alzheimer's might be as simple as swallowing 4 teaspoons of coconut oil a day.
In 2008, neonatologist Dr. Mary Newport learned that her husband Steve was in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Steve was only 58 at the time! But Dr. Newport had already been watching his slow decline for a few frightening years. After his diagnosis, she searched desperately to find Steve a clinical trial that might slow the disease's progress.
After scouring countless journals only to meet dead ends, Mary chanced on the work of Dr. Richard Veech and a handful of others who were studying medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and ketone bodies for Alzheimer's treatment. Dr. Veech, an NIH researcher, was one of the first to recognize ...
... the Power of Ketone Bodies!
In the late '90s and early 2000s, Dr. Veech discovered how ketones might counteract breakdowns in energy production in both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients. In 2001, he published his results in the journal of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IUBMB Life.
As it happens, coconut oil is one of the world's best (and few) sources of MCTs. In fact, 65% of coconut oil is made up of MCTs. Coconut oil is also an amazing source of ketone bodies, because those are produced through metabolism of MCTs -- and they may be a critical weapon against a host of crippling conditions such as . . .
- ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
Mary found hope in Dr. Veech's research and strengthened her resolve to find a clinical trial for Steve to enter -- but her efforts were excruciating and disappointing. Finally, after an especially upsetting rejection, Dr. Newport made a decision.
"Thinking, what have we got to lose, we stopped at a health food store on the way home and picked up a quart of 100% 'virgin' coconut oil," Mary said in her recently published case study. She based a dosage on what she'd found in published studies, and gave Steve about 4 teaspoons of coconut oil a day.
To Mary's amazement, Steve responded within hours. She noted distinct cognitive improvements that were verified later during a return trip to Steve's physician. Dr. Newport continued her case study for 60 days, treating Steve with the same simple daily regimen and monitoring his cognition with standard Alzheimer' tests.
The results where astonishing -- and when she shared them with Dr. Veech, he wasn't surprised. In fact, Mary's case study confirmed Veech's research with MCTs. What did surprise him was that Steve made such fast progress on such a low dosage.
Food for Thought
With a unique concentration of high fiber, vitamins, and minerals, the palm nut Spanish explorers called "monkey face" (coco) has long-held star status among exotic foods. It's ironic that coconut oil was once attacked by nutritionists as dangerously unhealthy -- when in reality it's a marvel of nature with "healthy fats" that can . . .
- Prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
- Strengthen the immune system
And now its rare fatty acids offer protection against Alzheimer's by replenishing a starving brain.
The mystery starts with insulin. Our bodies use insulin to convert glucose from foods we eat into usable energy. For diabetics, problems kick in when the body stops responding to insulin and slows its production. No insulin, no energy conversion, no fuel. The body starts to shut down.
What research has recently discovered is that the brain actually makes its own insulin, using it to capture glucose and fuel its own needs.
The brain's localized energy conversion process is the same as in the rest of the body. But localization opens the door for the same problem that underlies diabetes. If the brain stops manufacturing insulin, none of the glucose passing through will be converted to fuel.
Without enough nourishment, the brain literally "starves to death." In this way, the Alzheimer's-afflicted brain atrophies and shuts down, just like a diabetic's body. A direct link is unclear, but it comes as no surprise that diabetics have a 65% higher risk for contracting Alzheimer's.
An Alternative Fuel for the Brain
Fortunately, the brain has options. Glucose isn't the only raw material for fuel. Another substance -- remember those ketone bodies in coconut oil? -- makes an incredibly powerful brain food.
What Veech and his colleagues learned was that the brain's metabolism of MCTs creates the ketone Beta-hydroxybutyrate, which protects neurons and is converted to energy. As the body metabolizes ketone bodies, blood flow to the brain also increases. This synergistic process may well prevent degeneration and keep the brain going strong.
Proof of coconut oil's protective qualities continues to emerge. Researchers have discovered its powerful antiviral action against a host of offenders including measles, herpes, influenza, Hepatitis C, and even HIV. Other studies have pointed to its antibiotic properties. And coconut oil has even been recognized for inhibiting cancerous cell growth -- with studies of prostate cancer showing especially promising results.
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Featured Topic: Why Men Over 40 Are At Risk for
Feminizing Their Bodies If you are a man over 40 who is experiencing any of the following symptoms:
weight gain
... then you may be one of the countless unknowing victims whose manhood is being stolen away by the silent epidemic of ... too much estrogen.
"Too much estrogen? No way!" That's how most men naturally react when they hear that their bodies may be producing too much of the well-known female hormone. But the disturbing reality is that most middle-aged men living in America now have more of the "female" estrogen in their bodies than the male hormone, testosterone!
Unfortunately, the effects of excess estrogen go way beyond weight gain and irritability. If you're a man over 40, spiking estrogen levels can eventually cause the following to happen:
- "Castrate" you by feminizing your body -- cause shrinkage, ED or impotence -- which can wreak havoc on your s`e`x life.
- Cause enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, heart disease, diabetes, memory loss, brittle bones, fatigue, weakness, feeble muscles, depression, anxiety, and many other health problems.
- Lead to unexplained weight gain and extra belly fat, even if you aren't eating more than usual.
- Make you grow "man boobs." The flab on your chest that you hoped was just middle-aged sag from not exercising your pecs is actually caused by overabundant estrogen.
FACT: Men now undergo "breast reduction" surgery in shocking numbers -- male breast reductions have risen by 2,450% in just 5 years! What's Causing the Estrogen Epidemic? The culprit behind escalating estrogen is our modern lifestyle. Major causes of estrogen dominance in men are . . .
- Environmental estrogens, especially our food. Livestock like cows and poultry are fed estrogens to make them gain weight, grow faster, and get to market sooner -- and farmers also dust crops with pesticides that mimic estrogens
- Low-fiber diets. That's because excess estrogen is excreted in the bowel -- but when elimination is slowed by lack of fiber, estrogen is reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Studies show that those on a high-fiber diet have lower levels of estrogen circulating in their blood.
- Overloaded livers. The liver is a filter that detoxifies our body, protecting us from destructive effects of chemicals and toxins, including excess estrogen. Anything that impairs liver function leads to higher estrogen levels. The effects are more apparent in men than in women ... and results can be extreme.
Besides all that, there are thousands of products you use every day that contain chemicals that mimic estrogens -- "estrogen twins." These chemicals are in seemingly harmless products like shampoo, plastic cups, garden hoses, some canned foods, plastic water bottles and food containers -- and even the floors in your house. These "estrogen twins" enter your bloodstream and send feminizing signals to tissues throughout your body.
Even though estrogen dominance has reached epidemic proportions, the medical establishment has done nothing to stop it. Men who want to rid themselves of excess estrogen need to take the first steps on their own. If you're interested in eliminating estrogen dominance -- or preventing it from happening in the first place -- there's good news for you.
Dr. Al Sears, M.D., has spent almost 30 years making men over 40 lean, robust, and virile. He has seen over 20,000 patients and written 10 books -- including 12 Secrets to Virility.
12 Secrets to Virility shows you how to get rid of excess estrogen quickly ... restore muscle strength ... re-boot your s`e`x drive ... and revitalize your health. In this 198-page book, Dr. Sears shares the successful treatments he uses in his own practice to help restore physical vitality to his patients.
Dr. Sears details the estrogen-banishing tactics that work best, and tells you how to put those tactics to work for you. He lays out everything you need to reverse the damaging effects of our modern estrogen-laden world and regain your masculine power -- so you can re-ignite your s`e`x life and turn yourself back into the dominating man you were born to be.
For a limited time, Dr. Sears is giving Underground Health Reporter readers a free copy of 12 Secrets to Virility (you just pay for shipping). This book has a $39 retail value -- but this week only, it's yours for F`R`E`E. In addition, if you request your copy of 12 Secrets to Virility today, you'll also get 6 additional reports and bonuses absolutely f`r`e`e. = = = = = = = = = =
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