onsdag 2 september 2009

3 Easy Reasons Understanding a Natural Cure

When it is About “the One Minute Cure”

1. It works
2. It works
3. It works

Drugs are Leaving Marks in Your Body

I was the other day thinking about how I can make everyone understand why this cure, is proven to help so many?
The answer was easy – we do not have enough time to investigate and find useful stuff when we need them. When you are sick you go to the doctor. You leave it to the doctor to take over your body and many times prescribe medicine and then you hope to get well. But the drugs you eat are leaving marks and your body is not training, learning itself to heal.

I a Healer

I have been a healer for many years now and mostly working on my spare time helping people. My knowledge and allow me, my skill that I have been growing when helping thousand has helped many. I have been teaching and training student how to use healing techniques. Different methods when different energies are being present. Learning to be a great healer is an important decision you make in life. Once you have practiced and helped people you know it is working. The healer’s most important mission is to start the healing process in the client’s energy field and that the client can feel it starting.

We Are All Healers

So further on, I know that everybody is healers and can heal themselves and that this process is always actually ongoing. You are mastering every tiny little cell in your telling that little piece of life what it shall do.
Isn’t that fantastic don’t you think?

You Know That You Can Heal Your Body, You Have Seen It Many Times

So back to where I started; we, all of us, actually know in our minds that we are healing ourselves all the time. We have all been sick and we have got well. Who did that? You did and you where there telling your body and the body healed itself. It is how it works and has always been that way. Every living thing on this planet heals itself and when growing, creating new cell, life is created. New cells are life and old (sick) cell are lifted from your body energy every little moment of your life.

New Miracles Are Possible

What can I write to you to more help you understand that if you have any kind of diseases and you want to get well trust in that it is possible, I’ve seen miracle of course. What is a miracle? A miracle is when something happens that you and I thought wasn’t possible. It can be a small miracle to greater one. It is up to you to decide what a miracle is for you.

One Minute Cure

I have been promoting “the One Minute Cure” for a while now and I have seen that the interest of this information are growing, a simple method that can virtually get rid of any disease, from headaches, (which often is the easiest thing for a healer to cure by the way), to cancer, AIDS, Asthma, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Disease and a long list of other diseases.

Using Drugs

We are using drugs to take the pain away and that is what our pharmaceutical industry wants and when we stop using drugs the pain comes back. The disease has been hidden from body and the body wants to heal you and make you well.

The Secret Is In Oxygen Atoms

The secret, then, to curing virtually all diseases is by stimulating the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells. The natural oxygenating substance discussed in “the One Minute Cure” effectively accomplishes this is by increasing oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thereby maximizing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells. We are already using this natural substance today in treating patients.

"Supply Your Body With Sufficient Level Of Oxygen" says Nobel Prize-winner Dr Otto Warburg

Clearly, the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen shortage, and it stands to reason that supplying the body with sufficient levels of oxygen, which is the body's most essential element, is the key to preventing and curing diseases. Two-time Nobel Prize-winning doctor, Otto Warburg, shocked the world when he revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in the body.

So, finally “help your body heal itself”.

Anders Jacobsson

Get the first chapter in our informational book at:

You can also go to:
http://bit.ly/One_Minute_Cure-now for in depth knowledge.

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