onsdag 28 september 2011

10 Ways Fight Off Cancer

Fighting Cancer - I Won!
 “ Learning About 10 Ways Fight Off Cancer Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!”
Free EBook -  Learning About 10 Ways Fight Off Cancer Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!
Learning 10 Ways Fight Off Cancer Amazing Benefits 
The Best Tips On How To Keep This Killer At Bay!  
Once you comprehend the underlying causes of cancer and what to do to correct those causes, you are able to take effective action to overcome your cancer.

Discovering that you or a loved one has cancer can be utterly terrifying. All the same, once you comprehend the causes of cancer and learn how to reverse those causes, you or your loved one may have more than a fighting chance of beating out cancer. Regrettably, these techniques can't help everybody survive, but if the individual utilizing these strategies has enough time left so that they may start to work, rather often they reverse their cancer.

Even if you're taking the standard medical treatments or just trying not to ever get cancer, you are able to safely improve the effectiveness of what you do.

According to the National Cancer Institute, roughly 1/3 of all cancer deaths may be ascribed to our diets. The advocated diet isn't elaborate or expensive. There are a lot of foods and even spices that may very well help in the fight against cancer. Some authorities claims that a lot of healthy food choices will help reduce the possibility of contracting cancer, and may shrivel up tumors.

Fresh research affirms what nutritionists have stated for years: consuming lots of high-fiber foods is a capital way to protect your health. That may sound like a steep claim. But according to investigators conducting the biggest-ever study into the relationship between diet and cancer, it's the facts.

Toxins and Pollutants are brought into our homes day-after-day through water, food, dirt, dust and household cleansing products. For instance, the serious toxin phenol may be detected in a few disinfectants, antiseptics and even air fresheners. Continued exposure to phenols and additional toxins might have injurious effects on our nervous and respiratory systems, also induce cancers. It's crucial to educate yourself to enable you to cut down your risk and exposure. When you start to educate yourself about the chemicals and toxins on the labels of the products in your house, you might prefer to substitute some of the toxic agents you discover with non-toxic options.

Cancer is a disease that touches on a lot of individuals. Many cancer-causing agents have been discovered by researchers. Most forms of cancer can be prevented by making a few primary life-style alterations, such as exercising and eating healthy, averting sun exposure and refraining from tobacco use.

Wishing you the best of health,
Anders Jacobsson


Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC publishes books, CDs and DVDs that enlighten, entertain and empower you
This book reveals the remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive -- and enables the body to cure itself of disease.  This has been the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller in the Health, Mind & Body (Alternative Medicine) category 9 times this year. Readers consider it "one of the best books on healing" they've ever read, and say that "every household must have this book." 
The Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires
This critically-acclaimed life-changing book, which people have called "divinely inspired," reveals a powerful principle that enables you to truly manifest your heart's desires -- health, wealth, joy, ideal relationships, a successful career, self-fulfillment, peace and all the good things in life. 
If your dog could write you a letter, this is what the letter would say.  This adorable little book is one that is treasured by dog lovers of any age.  It's not just a book -- it's an emotional experience!  
- The Novel That Sings! Immerse yourself in the multi-media experience of the only novel that comes with its own music soundtrack.  The flamenco-inspired music gives a whole new dimension to novel reading.  
- These Flamenco-flavored ballads are like poetry set to music! Listen to the songs on this CD if you wish to experience deeper dimensions of love.  
  Legal DisclaimerPrivacy Policy | Links| Contact Us
2010 – 2011, IT Mode MOAJ AB Inc.- All Rights Reserved
in affiliation with Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, Inc. 311 N. Robertson Boulevard, Suite 323 Beverly Hills, California 90211

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this post are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted. 
The information in this post is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Are Cancer-Causing Toxic Chemicals Hiding in Personal Care Products That You Use Everyday?

Are Cancer-Causing Toxic Chemicals Hiding... That You Use Everyday?  www.1minutecure-now.com 
Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC  http://www.1minutecure-now.com/
Are Cancer-Causing Toxic Chemicals Hiding in Personal Care Products That You Use Everyday?
*Did You Know...?
Featured Topic: The Ugly Truth Behind Personal Care Products You Use Everyday
A Word from Our Sponsor: The 13th Secret
Declares This a Must-Have for Weight Reduction
* A Word from Our Sponsor: 
A Video That Reveals a Secret $200 Retirement Blueprint
Did You Know...

...that a unique light therapy box has been shown to
treat depression, as well as alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) that afflicts many people from September through April?

     Depression is a prevalent health condition which presents itself in many forms, including seasonal depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  SAD's pattern of
mood disturbances and depressive symptoms usually occur in autumn and winter. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

     As the days become shorter and the weather colder, the debilitating symptoms of depression can emerge, including:
  • Appetite changes, especially a craving for sweet or starchy foods
  • Weight gain
  • A heavy feeling in the limbs
  • Decreased energy
  • A tendency to oversleep
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Increased sensitivity to social rejection
  • Avoidance of social situations
lack of bright light in the winter.  Researchers have proven that bright light makes a difference to brain chemistry."

     Given the risks of ongoing depression and the toll it takes on daily life, no one should have to simply suffer from September through April, waiting for the light to come back.  Those who experience SAD have treatment options, including at least one
powerful, natural alternative proven to work. Let There Be Light (Boxes)

     Scientists have developed
light therapy boxes that mimic outdoor light and are highly successful in treating SAD.  Light therapy boxes are also known as light boxes ... bright light boxes ... and phototherapy boxes.  These easy-to-operate portable units are relatively affordable and intended for home use.

     In the case of SAD, these symptoms may lift in the spring, as the days lengthen and the air warms.  According to Paul Susic, a licensed psychologist, "[SAD] symptoms tend to start around September of each year [and last] until April ... The problem seems to stem from a
Advantages of Light Therapy
for the Treatment of SAD:
scientifically proven in multiple studies over many years

==> Most people show
improvement within 1 week

==> Side effects are rare

==> Light therapy takes only
15 to 30 minutes per day

==> Light therapy's benefits have been

     Scientists believe light therapy works to lift mood by triggering chemical changes in the brain.  Light therapy can also help adjust your circadian rhythm (sleep cycles), which are linked to mood.  Typically, light therapy sessions should take place each morning, for 30 minutes or longer, with the light shining indirectly toward your eyes.

     Research on light boxes is a developing field.  It makes sense to take some time to determine which light box will best suit your needs, especially if you are concerned about ongoing depression in addition to SAD.

     Researchers are currently exploring light therapy as a
treatment for major depressive disorders as well as other psychiatric illnesses. Finding the Light Box That's Right for Your Needs

     Doctors at Mayo Clinic have developed a helpful list of criteria to consider when purchasing a light box.  The major points are:
  • Is that light box made specifically to treat SAD?  Some light therapy devices are intended to treat skin disorders.  These emit ultraviolet (UV) lights which are not helpful for the treatment of SAD or depression and can damage your eyes if used incorrectly.
  • How bright is it?  The intensity of the light emitted determines the amount of time each day you will need to use the box for it to be effective, and also the appropriate distance to sit in relation to the box.
  • How much UV light does it release?  Light boxes designed to treat SAD filter out most UV light, but it's important to check the specifications prior to purchase.  Ideally, you should look for a box that emits as little UV light as possible at high intensity.
  • Does it use LEDs?  Some newer light boxes are using light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are more efficient than the fluorescent or incandescent bulbs used traditionally.
  • Is it the style you need?  Light boxes come in a range of styles, from upright lamps to small, rectangular units.  Keeping in mind that most boxes need to be no more than 2 feet away from you in order to work, be sure to choose a style that will be convenient for you to use.

Where to Buy a Light Box

     Light boxes can be purchased over-the-counter with no prescription.  Drugstores, Internet retailers, and even some hardware stores sell a variety of light boxes.  Some doctors will prescribe a particular box, and some health insurance companies require a prescription to cover, or at least partially subsidize, the purchase.  Since prices range from $100 to $500, it's worth checking with your insurance provider.
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Featured Topic:
The Ugly Truth Behind
Personal Care Products You Use Everyday

Even "natural" ones, contain toxic chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects, and other long-term health problems
Every day Americans unknowingly slather themselves in toxins that are hiding in soap, shampoo, lotion, after-shave, deodorant, toothpaste, make-up, and more.  Unbeknownst to most people, these chemicals penetrate your skin and enter your body.

     If you want proof, try this:  Rub some crushed garlic on the sole of your foot, and you'll taste the garlic in your mouth within a few minutes.  That's because
anything applied topically on the body penetrates through the skin and is distributed throughout the body.  It's the same mechanism that makes transdermal patches (such as nicotine and birth control) work—the patches adhere to the skin and deliver the medication through the blood stream.

     What's worse is that research proves
these chemicals are extremely risky.  As early as 1997, the Boston Globe reported that "the Government Accounting Office has identified 125 cosmetic ingredients suspected of causing cancer.  Other ingredients may cause birth defects."  Many are also linked to hormonal disruptions ... neurological damage ... headaches ... allergies ... depression ... chronic fatigue ... and mood disorders.

     Our government offers no protection.  In 1938, the FDA gave the personal care industry
the power to regulate itself.  While Europe has banned more than 1,100 chemicals in cosmetics, U.S. has banned only 10.  That means manufacturers can use almost any toxic ingredient they wish in their personal care products.
Just 9 Products = 126 Chemicals!

     Using just 9 commonly used personal products can mean exposing ourselves to 126 chemical ingredients.

How "Taking Care" of Your Skin Backfires on You

     An increasing number of health practitioners and skin specialists agree that the first step to achieving skin health and maintaining youthfulness is to
stop taking care of your skin—at least when it comes to the use of commercial cleansers, moisturizers, and toners.

     That's because toxic chemicals do more than damage your health.  They can also visibly harm your skin and
accelerate the aging process.  Over time, they can thin your skin and make it drier instead of plumper and more hydrated.  Your skin can develop fine lines, wrinkles, and a rough, uneven texture.

     Fortunately, in spite of what the giants of the cosmetic industry insist, it's possible to create
good skin care products without harmful ingredients.  It means trading cheap, synthetic chemicals for pure, natural ingredients.

     But before you go running to the health food store to buy your natural skin and personal care products, be forewarned:  Just because a product claims to contain only natural ingredients doesn't mean it's going to deliver the results you desire.
Is There Such a Thing as an All-Natural Skin Care Product That Delivers Anti-Aging Results?

     Dr. Al Sears first got interested in the risks of chemicals in skin care products long before most people realized they posed a danger to health.  Dr. Sears is a board-certified member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.  He's helped thousands of patients regain the strength and vitality of their youth, even into their 80s and 90s.

     When Dr. Sears's patients started telling him they wanted to look as good and as young as they felt, he told them to first stop "taking care" of their skin with toxic chemicals.  Next, Dr. Sears and his team of experts researched powerful natural alternatives to the most common harmful ingredients.  They found answers
directly from nature in the form of nutrients and plant extracts that deeply nourish the skin and:
  • Diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Moisturize and smooth away dryness
  • Promote a healthier and younger look
  • Rehydrate and repair skin
  • Boost the skin's antioxidant activity

     Dr. Sears's team developed an ultimate natural skin care regimen that banishes cheap, dangerous chemicals in favor of powerful and healing plant-based ingredients, just some of which are compared below:

Toxic Ingredients in Commercial Cleansers, Toners, and Moisturizers

Youth-Generating Ingredients in the Ultimate Natural Skin Care Regimen

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS): Irritates your skin and robs it of moisture.  Can cause permanent eye damage, skin rashes, hair loss, and mouth ulcers.  Can interact with other chemicals to form cancer-causing nitrosamines.  Can lodge in the heart, liver, lungs and brain. CoQ10: One of the most powerful antioxidants in your body, which decreases with age.  Cells need it to make ATP, their main source of energy.  Topical CoQ10 energizes cells and helps boost their ATP production to more youthful levels.  Slows aging and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by soaking up damaging free radicals.  May even reduce DNA damage in your skin. Methylisothiazolinone (MIT): Recent research confirms this chemical causes nerve damage.  Found in antimicrobial soaps and a surprising number of personal care products. Rosehip Oil: A skin rejuvenator that boosts collagen—one of your skin's basic building blocks of skin.  Nourishes your skin, so it appears more youthful. Ammonia: This is highly corrosive to your skin, but cosmetics companies routinely use it in facial moisturizers. Hyaluronic Acid (HA): Anti-aging physicians and renowned aestheticians hail HA as one of the decade's most astonishing anti-aging breakthroughs.  Holds up to 1,000 times its own weight and penetrates deeply into the skin, delivering precious moisture and enhancing the benefits of other anti-aging ingredients. Propylene Glycol (PG) and Polyethylene glycol (PEG): These chemicals have been linked to dermatitis, kidney damage, liver abnormalities, slowed cell growth, cell membrane damage, rashes, dry skin, and surface damage to the skin.  In industry, these chemicals are used in antifreeze, brake fluid, paint, and airplane de-icer. Vegetable Glycerine: Helps restore your skin's moisture balance—for a softer, younger look. Formaldehyde: This is a toxic chemical used in embalming corpses—which is also used in a shocking number of so-called beauty products. Lycopene: Topical lycopene boosts your skin's antioxidant defenses—and may contribute to lower levels of DNA damage.

Skin Renewal at the Cellular Level: Nature's Secret Key

     The key to developing an effective skin care line is not just by putting a bunch of natural ingredients together, but by adding substances that have proven cosmetic effects.  In the case of Dr. Sears, he added a revolutionary ingredient that has the ability to help
stop and reverse skin aging.

     The secret lies in something called a telomere—a part of your DNA.  Each time your cells divide, your telomeres shorten.  The shorter they get, the more your skin cells age ... producing dry, more wrinkled skin.

     Slowing down the shortening of your telomeres means you extend the "youth-span" of your skin cells—and look more youthful and radiant much longer.  Until recently, all this was completely out of reach.  But then Dr. Sears became the first doctor in the U.S. licensed to deliver a therapy based on telomere biology.

     Here's what happened when Dr. Sears's patients tried a formula with the potent cell-renewing ingredient on their own skin:
  • Moisture in their skin increased up to 83%.
  • Skin brightened and appeared more even.
  • Skin became firmer and more elastic—like much younger skin.
  • The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles faded by up to 64%.

     Best of all, these changes lasted and were accomplished with no dangerous chemicals.
Pamper and "Youthify" Your Skin While Protecting Your Health

     Your skin can look more youthful, radiant, and most importantly, healthy—but you don't need to expose yourself to the unnecessary risk of toxic chemicals, or buy dangerous products with exorbitant prices from companies that don't care about your health.

     OSHA (Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration) says there at least 880 variations of chemical compounds in personal care products, cosmetics, and perfumes.  Protect yourself from the health hazards of using store-bought skin care products ... and get the details about the safe, natural ingredient that unlocks a longer "youth span" for your skin.  Find out the Top 3 Products you can use to achieve youthful, healthy skin with a natural, radiant glow—with
no toxins, and no health dangers.  For a limited time, Underground Health Reporter readers save 20% on the ultimate skincare regimen—click here for details.

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A Word from Our Sponsor:
The 13th Secret

Dear Underground Health Reporter Subscriber,

     You'll never here this from your doctor ...

     But it's important that you know you don't need the "little blue pill" or any other prescription drug to put a stop to those "male problems" associated with getting older.

     Dr. Al Sears, MD has discovered a better, natural way to send a rush of energy throughout your entire body.  He calls it
The 13th Secret.

     You're going to want to keep reading ...

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website address onto your Internet browser:


Wishing you the best of health,
Anders Jacobsson     

Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC publishes books, CDs and DVDs that enlighten, entertain and empower you
This book reveals the remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive -- and enables the body to cure itself of disease.  This has been the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller in the Health, Mind & Body (Alternative Medicine) category 9 times this year. Readers consider it "one of the best books on healing" they've ever read, and say that "every household must have this book." 
The Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires
This critically-acclaimed life-changing book, which people have called "divinely inspired," reveals a powerful principle that enables you to truly manifest your heart's desires -- health, wealth, joy, ideal relationships, a successful career, self-fulfillment, peace and all the good things in life. 
If your dog could write you a letter, this is what the letter would say.  This adorable little book is one that is treasured by dog lovers of any age.  It's not just a book -- it's an emotional experience!  
- The Novel That Sings! Immerse yourself in the multi-media experience of the only novel that comes with its own music soundtrack.  The flamenco-inspired music gives a whole new dimension to novel reading.  
- These Flamenco-flavored ballads are like poetry set to music! Listen to the songs on this CD if you wish to experience deeper dimensions of love.  
  Legal DisclaimerPrivacy Policy | Links| Contact Us
2010 – 2011, IT Mode MOAJ AB Inc.- All Rights Reserved
in affiliation with Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, Inc. 311 N. Robertson Boulevard, Suite 323 Beverly Hills, California 90211

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this post are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted. 
The information in this post is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.