A Plant Extract That Cures Obesity?
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A Plant Extract That Cures Obesity?
In This Issue:
* Did You Know ...? * Featured Topic: A Plant Extract That Cures Obesity? Dr. Oz Declares This a Must-Have for Weight Reduction * A Word from Our Sponsor: A Video That Reveals a Secret $200 Retirement Blueprint Did You Know... ... that your body naturally produces a substance which, if present in ample amounts, reverses the aging process ... detoxifies the body ... and strengthens the body's immune system? ![]() As super antioxidants, glutathione molecules roam through your body, seeking out and neutralizing overactive and dangerous free radicals. An All-Natural "Universal Drug" Dr. Patricia A.L. Kongshavn, Ph.D., formerly a professor in the Department of Medicine at McGill University, calls glutathione a "naturally occurring universal drug," and "the cell's most important antioxidant."
To picture an antioxidant's effect, imagine apple slices sitting on a plate. When an apple is cut (or bruised), oxygen is introduced into the injured plant tissue. Oxidation and free radical damage occurs, which brings about the browning of the apple. You can stop -- or at least postpone -- the browning of an apple by applying lemon juice. Lemon juice works by preventing free radical damage, thereby arresting the browning process.
What is Glutathione Made Of?Glutathione has the same effect as the lemon juice -- except that it has a significantly stronger antioxidant action ... strong enough to slow down or even reverse the aging process! According to Jeanette Roberts of the University of Utah's College of Pharmacy in Salt Lake City, glutathione is the main detoxifying agent in the body. Ample glutathione levels in your body are able to convert toxins into benign substances your system can easily eliminate. For example, glutathione is able to convert the following into harmless substances:
Glutathione is a very small protein manufactured inside the cells -- and it consists of 3 amino acids that we get from our diets (in the form of food and supplements). One of these acids, cysteine, is the source of glutathione's antioxidant and detoxifying powers. Cysteine is key to our body's ability to produce glutathione. Unfortunately, cysteine is not found in many of the foods most Americans consume regularly. Therefore, glutathione deficiency is quite common, even in otherwise healthy individuals. When glutathione levels are too low ...
Glutathione can be applied externally as a cream, administered via IV, inhaled, or given as an injection. However, most health practitioners advise that the simplest and best way to increase your glutathione is to boost your body's production of it. One way they recommend doing that is to increase your intake of dietary cysteine, which is found in poultry, yogurt, egg yolks, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oats, and wheat germ. One exciting new development to emerge recently is "glutathione patches" that reportedly can increase the production of glutathione in your body by 300% in as little as 24 hours. The glutathione found in most anti-aging products cannot be absorbed effectively in the gastrointestinal tract, even when administered in higher dosages. The glutathione patches, on the other hand (such as Y-Age, manufactured by LifeWave) are non-transdermal patches based on nanotechnology, which causes the skin to absorb the necessary glutathione creation signal. The signal bypasses the digestive tract and delivers the dosage instruction directly to the blood stream. As glutathione flows through the veins and arteries, it promotes the oxygenation of cells inside the body and promotes the creation of new cells, and consequently brings about anti-aging.
Featured Topic:
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A Plant Extract That Cures Obesity? Dr. Oz Declares This a Must-Have for Weight Reduction People who consumed this extract shed 28 pounds in 10 weeks -- without changing their diet or exercise
![]() Dr. Oz asserts that extracts from the African mango are a "breakthrough supplement" and a "miracle in your medicine cabinet that can help you lose 10 pounds." What a Difference 10 Pounds Makes! According to Dr. Oz, shedding just 10 pounds of excess weight is more than a matter of looking better. It brings about significant health improvements. It can lower your blood pressure ... reduce your risk for a stroke ... ward off dementia ... lower your risk for uterine and breast cancer ... and lower your cholesterol up to 10%. Most people over 40, however, find that dropping even 1 or 2 pounds -- let alone 10 -- becomes extremely difficult or even impossible. African mango solves that problem because it helps recalibrate your body's metabolism to the point where your body naturally resists putting on new fat. It accomplishes this by rebalancing the chemicals in your blood that regulate weight, especially a critical hormone called leptin. Leptin Levels Are Key to Dropping Pounds Leptin is a fat-burning and appetite-suppressing hormone your brain secretes to tell you when you've had enough to eat. Leptin also enhances your body's ability to burn fat as energy. African mango has been proven to increase the amount of leptin in the bloodstream, which in turn reduces appetite ... with no known side effects. This is especially important if you're over 40, because as we age our cells can become leptin resistant. When this happens, we stop receiving signals that we're "full" -- and we tend to eat more than we should. When leptin is no longer able to regulate body weight, extra pounds become nearly impossible to shed. In clinical studies, African mango has shown great promise in correcting leptin resistance. "It's the best natural fat-loss remedy I've come across in 25 years of research," said David Jeffery, editor of Body-for-LIFE. Evidence shows that African mango ...
Research Behind African Mango
Clinical studies show that almost without fail, weight reduction is achieved by people who supplement with African mango extract. For example ...
Fox News Channel reports...
"African Mango Helps Overweight People Safely and Quickly Shed Pounds, Lose Belly Fat, and Lower Their Cholesterol" The story of African mango's discovery began when a University professor from Cameroon was doing population studies, and discovered something strange. In the jungles of West Africa, there are places where obesity is completely unknown. The natives just don't get fat. The professor noted something unique about the diet of these natives. They used a paste from the seed of a "bush mango" to thicken their soups. They had been doing this for centuries without suffering any apparent side effects -- even though they consumed the mango almost every day of their lives. In fact, the only "side effects" of consuming the African mango that had been observed over the years were: 1) Resistance to diabetes; and 2) Resistance to obesity. These are the same "side effects" that captured the attention of the professor doing the population studies. As an expert in nutritional biochemistry, he created an extract of the African mango seed and ran his own tests. His was the 10-week study (mentioned above) in which people taking the extract got rid of an average of 28 pounds and 6 inches around the waist, compared to almost no change in the control group.Research Unveils How to Make African Mango Even Better As powerful as the African mango may be in weight management, Dr. Al Sears found ingenious ways of making it even more effective As a health researcher who created High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps, as well as a revolutionary form of exercise called PACE, Dr. Sears also specializes in uncovering synergistic botanical combinations. Discover how Dr. Sears combined African mango extract with other botanical ingredients to multiply the fat-burning effects of African mango. Find out how you can access the same natural extract that can re-set your body's "fat signals" ... restore your metabolism to the way it was years ago ... and shed 10 to 20 unwanted pounds -- without going hungry or exercising like crazy -- by clicking here.
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this post are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted.
The information in this post is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.