lördag 28 maj 2011

How An Amazing Marine Plant Heals Chronic Disease Within Days

How An Amazing Marine Plant Heals Chronic Disease Within Days
to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC  http://www.1minutecure-now.com/

How An Amazing Marine Plant Heals Chronic Disease Within Days

Dear Reader,

     Do you know what the most nutrient-dense superfood in existence is ... one that has been shown to heal chronic disease within days ... and make your health improve (instead of deteriorate) as you get older

Hint:  It's a plant that grows in every ocean on the planet ...
           ... is now grown in a sealed growing facility on land using sunlight ...
           ... is invisible to the naked eye ...
           ... provides the Earth with 90% of its oxygen (which is more than all
               of the world's forests put together
) ...
           ... is the food on which more than 95% of all ocean creatures depend
               for survival ...

Answer:  That amazing plant is ... marine phytoplankton.
The Most Potent Food on Earth
     Marine phytoplankton is a single-celled aquatic organism, or microscopic algae (micro-algae).  There exist an estimated 200,000 to 800,000 species of micro-algae of which about 40,000 species have been described.   Most people are familiar with standard micro-algae grown in open ponds -- such as spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae and astaxanthin, which have become popular health supplements in the last few decades. 

     After over 10 years of research, and millions of dollars invested, a team of European doctors, microbiologists and botanists discovered
one amazing  strain of marine phytoplankton that contains the highest nutritional values for human consumption.

     The strain was named
Nannochloropsis Gaditana.  It's extremely tiny, 9 times smaller than a red blood cell.  There is no known food which is smaller in size -- yet, there is so much life energy stored in this single cell.  It has the ability to multiply and proliferate exponentially, producing trillions of healthy cells that humans need to maintain and restore health.

     This unique micro-algae contains over 65 nutritional properties including all the essential amino acids, all the essential fats, vitamins, key minerals and trace elements, rare anti-oxidants, phospholipids, electrolytes, nucleic acids, pigments, enzymes and co-enzymes.

     It's this rare combination and proportion of elements and nutrients that makes this strain of marine phytoplankton unique and highly effective in enabling
cellular regeneration and healing.
People Healed of Chronic Diseases Within Days
     Another very important reason that makes it so profoundly powerful and  effective as a healing substance is that it is composed of single cells that bypass the liver and digestive system.  It goes straight to your liver and directly into your bloodstream.  Because of its ultra-microscopic size, a single cell is able to go right into the human cell and feed it at a mitochondrial level.

This is one reason Dr. Jerry Tennant, founder and director of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, who has treated thousands of people with chronic diseases, believes results have been so rapid -- particularly among critical and chronically ill patients whose livers were in poor condition.  Whereas other products took
months to see noticeable benefits, significant results were being achieved within days of taking this particular strain of marine phytoplankton. 

"With people who are extremely ill ... you can't get their system to absorb the raw materials needed to make neurochemicals," states Dr. Tennant.  "The marine phytoplankton are microscopic plants .... Because they are so microscopic, they go right through a sick digestive system and a sick liver, and you'll be able to start restoring neurochemicals and minerals even in somebody who's critically ill. 
Nothing else I know of will do that."

     Many nutritional experts -- and even doctors -- agree that if you were to consume this strain of marine phytoplankton daily...
...Your Health Would Actually Improve
As You Get Older!
     Nannochloropsis Gaditana is the world's top level resource of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid that Dr. Mehmet Oz (also known as "America's Doctor") recently declared the most important food supplement you can take.

     DHA is the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and retina.  Sufficient levels of DHA makes your brain function more efficiently.  In fact, 60% of the fats in your brain are composed of DHA as are the nerve fibers of your heart.

Nannochloropsis Gaditana is also incredibly rich in yet another fatty acid, namely EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid).  EPA works in concert with DHA to produce nearly every nutrient your body requires!  As such, nutritional supplementation with this microscopic green food could single-handedly fill all your nutritional deficiencies

     Its high chlorophyll content also boosts your immune system,
produces cancer-fighting carotenoids, and protects the body against free radicals in the air, water and food we consume.
     Most people know that certain nutritional products that contain medicinal properties are only effective for some people, but not for others.  Dr. Tennant believes this is because the body needs all the raw materials and critical components at the same time. "The problem is that we need ALL of them at the same time for things to work," he states.
A Symphony of Synergistic Nutrients
     Every nutritional attribute of marine phytoplankton -- the amino acids, essential fatty acids, organic plant minerals, pigments and fresh harvested life energy -- are in every cell all working together in symphony.  The moment you extract something from this single cell, the synergistic qualities are lost.

     If you were to extract DHA from marine phytoplankton, for instance, the result would be a coagulated molecule which is much larger in size.  The Blood Brain Barrier prevents extracts from entering in efficiently and the body only wants nutrients in the original full spectrum state, not in isolated state.  Our brains have the innate intelligence to know exactly what to do with a full spectrum nutrient. The materials found in marine phytoplankton are used by the body to produce hormones, enzymes, vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, and other nutritional elements.

     Users of this strain of marine phytoplankton enjoy enhanced brain function, improved immune function, antiviral/antifungal/antibacterial effects, improved cellular repair, radiation protection, detoxification support, anti-inflammatory support, antioxidant support, improved circulation, improved heart function, allergy/asthma relief and residual energy.
How a Close Scrape with Death Resulted in the
Birth of a Revolutionary
Concentrated Marine Phytoplankton
     Six years ago, Ian Clark was in extremely poor health.  He suffered from several life-threatening health conditions, and he realized that practically everything he was doing was slowly but surely killing him.  A close scrape with death became his wake-up call that prompted him to change his unhealthy habits.

    In his journey to reclaim his health, he came across the research surrounding the strain of marine phytoplankton called
Nannochloropsis Gaditana.  It became a life-changing discovery that restored him to vibrant health, enabled his body to operate at peak efficiency -- and even caused him to shed his excess weight.

     His research into marine phytoplankton enabled him to encounter a supplier who provided him with marine phytoplankton
paste.  This form is the centrifuged bio-mass -- the paste that results after the marine phytoplankton comes out of the bioreactor, and which has the consistency of peanut butter.  In this form, the marine phytoplankton is fully alive, and in its most potent state for human consumption.  

     Without a preservative, however, the marine phytoplankton paste spoiled in a few days' time.  By some stroke of fate, Ian was contacted by a company in Australia who happened to manufacture a natural preservative made of hawthorn berry juice and stinging nettle juice in a concentrated sea mineral solution.  When the marine phytoplankton paste was put into that solution, its life energy and health benefits were preserved permanently
without requiring refrigeration

     Thus, the first concentrated marine phytoplankton product (with
live, as opposed to freeze-dried, marine phytoplankton) was born. 

     Ian had no intention of actually marketing the product.  He just created it for his own use and to share with a few people.  However, the first handful of people who tried it experienced
astounding health benefits ... so they told everyone they knew, and those people, in turn, told many others.  Before long, Ian couldn't keep up with the demand for it.  Eventually, he set up an FDA-approved manufacturing facility to produce the one-of-a-kind marine phytoplankton product called Ocean's Alive, and he now fills orders coming in from all over the world.  Thousands have told him how much the product has improved their lives.

     Dr. Tennant, who has over 15 years practice in energetic medicine, treating thousands of terminally ill patients, had this to say about
Ocean's Alive"This is the most exciting product I have come across."  Most people experience immediate health benefits after using it for only a few days.  Here is a just a small sample of health conditions that Ocean's Alive can be used for:

* Obesity -- help boost metabolism and give cells more energy, thereby facilitating weight loss
* Memory Loss -- break through the Blood Brain Barrier, thereby reaching the deepest glands in the brain, which can help to stimulate neurotransmitter production and increase brain function and memory
* Diabetes -- alleviate mineral deficiency in the bloodstream, thereby helping to restore normal glucose levels.
* Faster Healing Time -- accelerate cellular repair, thereby enabling the body to heal itself more rapidly
* Neurological Disorders -- deliver important nervous-system repair agents such as phospholipids, DHA and EPA, thereby helping to reconstruct the protective sheathing around nerve cells, which rejuvenates them.
* Fatigue -- provide more oxygen to cells, thereby boosting energy levels and alleviating tiredness and fatigue
* Poor Eyesight -- its high antioxidant content helps improve eyesight.

     To find out how you, too, can eliminate your nutritional deficiencies, activate cellular regeneration and healing with Ocean's Alive concentrated  marine phytoplankton, click here.  Learn how it can help improve your health as you get older, why it's different from other types of marine phytoplankton that are available on the market -- and how, in as little as 6 days, you can nourish every single cell in your body with it. 

Wishing you the best of health,

Danica Collins

Anders Jacobsson

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website address onto your Internet browser:

Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
publishes books, CDs and DVDs that enlighten,
entertain and empower you

This book reveals the remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive -- and enables the body to cure itself of
disease.  This has been the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller in the Health, Mind & Body (Alternative Medicine) category 9 times this year. Readers consider it "one of the best books on healing" they've ever read, and say that "every household must have this book." 

*TheGreatest Manifestation Principle in the World:  The
Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires
This critically-acclaimed life-changing book, which people have called "divinely inspired," reveals a powerful principle that enables you to truly manifest your heart's desires -- health, wealth, joy, ideal
relationships, a successful career, self-fulfillment, peace and all the good things in life.  

* Your Dog's Love Letter - If
your dog could write you a letter, this is what the letter would say.
 This adorable little book is one that is treasured by dog
lovers of any age.
 It's not just a book -- it's an emotional experience! 
* Midwinter Turns to Spring (Hardcover with Music CD) - The Novel That Sings! Immerse yourself in the multi-media experience of the only novel that comes with its own music soundtrack.  The flamenco-inspired music gives a whole new dimension to novel reading.  
* Midwinter Turns to Spring (Music CD Only) - These
Flamenco-flavored ballads are like poetry set to music!
Listen to the songs on this CD if you wish to experience deeper dimensions of love.  

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2010 IT Mode MOAJ AB Inc.- All Rights Reserved
in affiliation with Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, Inc. 311 N. Robertson Boulevard,
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher,
unless otherwise noted.  The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship
with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience
of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research
and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The information in this e-mail is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

måndag 16 maj 2011

How to Make Your Brain Perform the Way It Did When You Were Young

How to Make Your Brain Perform the Way It Did When You Were Young 
to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC  http://www.1minutecure-now.com/

How to Make Your Brain Perform the Way It Did When You Were Young 

In This Issue:
* Did You Know ...? 
 Featured Topic: 
How to Make Your Brain Perform the Way It Did When You Were Young -- and Prevent the Onset of Alzheimer's or Dementia
* A Word from Our Sponsor: 
FREE Handbook Reveals How Vivian Reversed Her Osteoporosis Without Drugs

Did You Know...
... that one of the most potent natural superfoods commonly used in salads is also a medically validated aphrodisiac?
The "sauciest" member of the Brassicaceae plant family is Eruca sativa, more commonly known as arugula -- or more colorfully, "rocket seed."  The peppery, slightly bitter oak-shaped leaves are a popular addition to salads and any other dishes needing a splash of spice or a dash of romance.  Arugula is thought to be a very effective overall stimulant, providing amazing energy and power to the whole body.
An Ancient Love Potion
Arugula originated in the Mediterranean region, and throughout the ages, it's been recognized as an arousal aid.  Arugula has been used as an aphrodisiac since the 1st century AD when Greek philosophers such as Pilny, Dioscorides, and others identified it as a food with the ability to increase libido.
The Romans even consecrated arugula to the god Priapus, a god of fertility.
     Historically, aphrodisiacs have been sought after for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Curing "bedroom" anxieties
  • Increasing fertility
  • Preventing inadequate performance
  • Ensuring male and female potency

Of course, since the ancient Greeks first began listing aphrodisiacs and fertility aids, there's been controversy about the items on those lists.  The criteria used back then was inconsistent, including things like the resemblance to reproductive parts of the human anatomy, and so-called natural representations of "seed or semen" such as bulbs, eggs, or snails.
Arugula -- the Love Drug Backed by Science
Modern science has brought a new precision to the age-old practice of rating foods "R."  Dr. Walt Larimore, an acclaimed physician, medical journalist, and author, addressed these advances in his blog post about the 7 best foods for heating things up in the bedroom.

     Dr. Walt identifies 7 foods "that have been major players in aphrodisiac history and lore -- and also have modern-day science to help back up their claims." Dr. Walt goes on to quote one of his colleagues, Dr. Jennifer R. Berman, M.D., director of the Berman Women's Wellness Center in Beverly Hills, CA, who said, "There's a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in foods can enhance sensual function and the experience of physical intimacy." 

     Arugula is one of the historically renowned "love drugs" that has been verified by medical research.  We now know that arugula's aphrodisiac qualities stem from the trace minerals and antioxidants it contains.  These minerals and antioxidants inhibit the introduction of potentially libido-reducing contaminants into your system -- making them essential for the health of your
reproductive organs.

An Amazing Cruciferous Vegetable for Cancer Protection and Overall Health

The stimulating effects of arugula have benefits that reach beyond the bedroom.  Research has shown that arugula improves blood quality and liver function.  In fact, arugula is considered one of the most potent natural superfoods.  It's packed with phytochemicals and essential vitamins, including:

  • Beta carotene
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Vitamins C, A and K
  • Folic acid
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron, zinc and copper
  • Riboflavin

The tasty herb -- whose flavor is reminiscent of mustard -- is very low in calories and an excellent source of dietary fiber.
Arugula, along with broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, is classified as a cruciferous vegetable.  Cruciferous vegetables generate glucosinolates, which are converted into isothiocynates during digestion.  Isothiocynates, along with the wealth of antioxidants found in arugula, protect your body in a number of important ways, such as . . .

  • Regulating immune function
  • Curing coughs
  • Detoxifying enzymes
  • Preventing macular degeneration
  • Actively protecting against cancer
Adding Arugula to Your Life

Overall, adding arugula or one of the other leafy greens of the Brassicaceae family to your diet is one of the tastiest ways to boost your health. 

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Featured Topic:

     Classically, arugula was often served with grated orchid bulbs or parsnips.  It was also combined with pine nuts or pistachios.  Currently, it's more often found in salads or pastas where its standout peppery potency goes straight to the brain.  Arugula may satisfy your stomach, but it' also sure to fan the flames of your amorous appetite -- without your having to turn to risky drugs..
How to Make Your Brain Perform the Way It Did When You Were Young-- and Prevent the Onset of Alzheimer's or Dementia    
Warning:  According to a recent groundbreaking study, those supposedly harmless "senior moments" -- like forgetting where you put your keys or blanking on a colleague's name -- are actually linked to a much higher risk of more serious mental decline -- 4.5 times higher!
Senior Moments
"Normal" memory loss associated with aging is the first symptom of what's formally known as subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), and a new study shows that older adults with SCI are 4.5 times more likely to progress to  mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and full-blown dementia than those without SCI.  And because a staggering 25- 50% of those over 65 experience SCI, this is indeed alarming news.
Those "Senior Moments" Are No Joke ...
They May Be a Forerunner of Eventual Alzheimer's Disease
The long-term study, published in the January 11, 2010 issue of the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia, was the first to examine SCI as "a possible forerunner of eventual Alzheimer's disease," said Barry Reisberg, MD, professor of psychiatry, director of the Fisher Alzheimer's Disease Program and director, Clinical Core, NYU Alzheimer's Disease Center at NYU Langone Medical Center. 

     "The findings indicate that a significant percentage of people with early subjective symptoms may experience further cognitive decline, whereas few persons without these symptoms decline."  The study's authors say it's now possible to target the prevention of eventual Alzheimer' disease while it's still in the SCI stage.  In fact,
we can now take steps to prevent Alzheimer's
disease more than 20 years before dementia becomes evident.
3 Hidden Triggers That Cause Memory Loss -- and Breakthrough Strategies for Preventing Eventual Dementia
Thanks to breathtaking advances in cognitive science, we now know exactly how to protect our brains from the natural effects of aging, ward off SCI, and defend ourselves from having today's minor memory lapses lead to tomorrow's debilitating dementia. 

     Researchers at Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Duke, UCLA, and other top universities recently discovered 3 hidden triggers that cause frequent memory lapses and mental decline.  These triggers are the missing link to protecting memory -- a link that scientists have been seeking for years.

     Based on the findings of extensive clinical research, it's entirely possible to switch off these hidden triggers -- and even reverse years of brain aging.  That means you can enjoy a "steel trap" memory, crystal-clear thinking, and laser-like focus -- and protect yourself from serious cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's, by dismantling the triggers that lead to SCI.

The 3 triggers that attack brain function are as follows: 

  • Worn Out Myelin. Myelin is a substance that lines nerve fibers to protect and insulate neurons.  It aids in the quick and accurate transmission of electrical current carrying data from one nerve cell to the next.  Damaged myelin leads to numerous health problems, including multiple sclerosis.  Myelin naturally degrades with aging. 

  • Slowed Processing Time.
    Studies show that older adults' brains are slightly slower than the younger adults' brains, by about 200 milliseconds.  This may seem slight, but it's not.  That delay leads to significant memory malfunction.

  • "Brain Rust."  Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage your body.
    Scientists explain that it's as if these invisible attackers "rust out your brain."  Over time, this build-up of brain rust damages your cells.  It can also cause dangerous amyloid plaques to form in your brain.

Dr. Robert J. Rowen, practicing M.D. and editor of the popular health advisory Second Opinion, has harnessed the maximum potential of these critical research finding to show that it's possible to ...

By combining what we've learned from the latest brain research with the best of clinical nutritional research, Dr. Rowen has developed a formula with 7 of the most studied and proven substances for
stopping mental decline and reversing the damage already done.
     Whether or not we notice everyday brain damage, it's there.  From the age of 20 on, you begin to lose brain cells.  Your body manufactures less of the chemicals your brain cells need to work.  The longer this goes on, the more damage is done to your memory.
     By middle age the slowdown in cognitive function becomes more noticeable.  By 80, overall brain mass decreases by as much as 10%, with the greatest decay in the frontal lobes responsible for memory process.
And parts of the hippocampus (the brain's major memory structure) deteriorate, interfering with communication between the brain's hemispheres.
     It's no wonder that the NYU study on SCI and dementia highlighted the essential role of early prevention.  Though alarming, that study's findings "more fully describe the possible relationship between early signs of memory loss and development of more serious impairment," said Neil Buckholtz, PhD, National Institute on Aging (NIA).
     Supporting your brain today with the nutrients it needs produces transformations that are oftentimes immediate.  As the nutrients begin to act, it's like flipping a switch and having a light come on, as the earliest symptoms of SCI disappear ... and that's when neurons in your brain start communicating better ... your brain response speeds up ... and brain "fog" disappears.
7 Brain Boosters That Make Your Brain Perform the Way It Did Before You Hit Middle Age
Dr. Rowan systematically reviewed the best available clinical evidence in order to select 7 proven brain boosters that, when combined in the most effective quantities and proportions, lead to lasting improvements in mental performance.  The 7 most powerful, well-researched nutrients known to boost brain function and protect your brain health include the following:
  •  An amino acid proven to rebuild worn-out myelin so you can stop brain aging and feel quicker on your feet.  Stanford University School of Medicine studied 334 adults suffering serious mental decline. Researchers were stunned when those taking this amino acid became less forgetful and showed fewer signs of mental decline than those taking a placebo -- a remarkable result for people already suffering serious memory problems.

  • A natural choline compound that boosts your brain's memory fuel and reduces "senior moments." Over 20 studies involving more than 5,000 patients have shown repeatedly that this compound increases alertness, boosts learning, and revitalizes mental performance.  It can even improve memory and mental clarity in people with severe mental decline.
  • A plant substance that strengthens your brain's ability to ignore distractions and banish stress.At least 14 recent studies confirm this substance improves memory and boosts retention of new information.
  • A phospholipid component that replenishes cell membranes and can take 12 years off your brain age.  In one study,scientists looked at 149 memory loss patients aged 50 to 75. Half got the phospholipid and half got placebo.  After 3 weeks, those taking the phospholipid showed noticeable improvements in memory and learning.  After 12 weeks, they had an easier time concentrating, remembering telephone numbers, paying attention while driving, and finding misplaced objects.  What's even more remarkable is that the "brain age" of older subjects became comparable to that of a person 12 years younger.  The average age of the participants was 64, but their results showed a  "brain age" of 52.
  • An alkaloid that gets more oxygen to your brain for sharper memory and mental acuity. In one study, elderly patients with serious memory impairment took this alkaloid or a placebo, and 100% of those who took the amino acid scored better in memory tests after just 3 months compared to those who took the placebo.
  • A plant powerhouse proven to clear away "brain rust" and boost memory and learning. Studies show a daily dose of this plant helps you keep your memory sharp as you age.  One study looked at 2 groups of people in their 70s suffering from poor memory.  One group consumed an extract of the plant each day, while the other got a placebo. Those who got the plant extract scored significantly higher on learning and memory tests.

  • An herb that energizes your brain and speeds up mental performance.  Multiple studies prove this herb improves memory, attention, and thinking.  It even halts mental decline in people with serious memory problems.  In one large study, patients who took the herb saw their memory get better, while those taking a placebo continued to get worse.
For decades, doctors have insisted that memory loss and brain fog are just annoying but harmless consequences of aging.  Now we know that isn't true.  Early memory loss can be a sign of serious mental decline waiting to happen later.  But it doesn't have to be that way because the 3 triggers of brain decline can be stopped and their effects reversed.       To find out the details of the 7 scientifically proven brain boosters, go to this webpage.  There, you can also learn the top reasons why some popular memory boosters do not work.

Click now to discover an easy way to supply your brain with these essential nutrients so that you can ... make your brain perform the way it did when you were young ... and prevent "senior moments" from progressing into full-blown dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.

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& paste the following
website address onto your Internet browser
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Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
publishes books, CDs and DVDs that enlighten,
entertain and empower you

This book reveals the remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive -- and enables the body to cure itself of
disease.  This has been the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller in the Health, Mind & Body (Alternative Medicine) category 9 times this year. Readers consider it "one of the best books on healing" they've ever read, and say that "every household must have this book." 

*TheGreatest Manifestation Principle in the World:  The
Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires
This critically-acclaimed life-changing book, which people have called "divinely inspired," reveals a powerful principle that enables you to truly manifest your heart's desires -- health, wealth, joy, ideal
relationships, a successful career, self-fulfillment, peace and all the good things in life.  

* Your Dog's Love Letter - If
your dog could write you a letter, this is what the letter would say.
 This adorable little book is one that is treasured by dog
lovers of any age.
 It's not just a book -- it's an emotional experience! 
* Midwinter Turns to Spring (Hardcover with Music CD) - The Novel That Sings! Immerse yourself in the multi-media experience of the only novel that comes with its own music soundtrack.  The flamenco-inspired music gives a whole new dimension to novel reading.  
* Midwinter Turns to Spring (Music CD Only) - These
Flamenco-flavored ballads are like poetry set to music!
Listen to the songs on this CD if you wish to experience deeper dimensions of love.  

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2010 IT Mode MOAJ AB Inc.- All Rights Reserved
in affiliation with Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, Inc. 311 N. Robertson Boulevard,
Suite 323 Beverly Hills, California 90211
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torsdag 12 maj 2011

How to Reverse the Aging of Your Skin -- This is Fact, not Fiction!

How to Reverse the Aging of Your Skin -- This is Fact, not Fiction!  

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC  http://www.1minutecure-now.com/

How to Reverse the Aging of Your Skin
-- This is Fact, not Fiction! 

In This Issue:
* Did You Know ...? 
* Featured Topic: 
How to Reverse the Aging of Your Skin:  This is Fact, not Fiction!
* A Word from Our Sponsor:  New Scientific Proof Says You Can Add Decades Of Healthy Living To Your Life With One Tiny Nutrient

Did You Know...
... Depressionthat an unconventional new treatment is capable of eliminating severe depression in under 2 hours?
     As surprising as that claim may be, it's completely accurate.  Recent research into the
potential of ketamine -- an anesthetic recently publicized for its popularity as a recreational drug -- has produced incredible results supporting its effectiveness as a treatment for severe depression.

     The focus on ketamine for depression is not new.  Almost 10 years ago, scientists at the Connecticut Medical Health Center observed ketamine's apparent ability to relieve depression.  But research since then has been limited.  Part of the problem is that ketamine must be administered intravenously under medical supervision.  Another concern is that the treatment has caused short-term psychotic symptoms in some subjects.

     But the latest research conducted within the last year indicates that the benefits of ketamine justify the challenge of determining how best to adapt it to treat depression.

Ketamine Repairs Damage from Chronic Depression and Stress -- Fast!
One of the most important studies on ketamine and depression was performed at Yale University and published in the online edition of the journal Science on August 20, 2010.  Senior author Dr. Ronald Duman and his team found that one dose of ketamine not only improved the depressive symptoms of the rats used for the study, but also induced an important process known as "synaptogenesis."

     Synaptogenesis is actually the term the team coined to describe ketamine's amazing ability to restore connections between neurons that were damaged by
long-term depression and chronic stress.

     Duman's study also documented a very exciting facet of ketamine treatment: its speed.
Studies have consistently shown over 2/3 of patients with historically untreatable depression to respond positively to ketamine within hours.  And for the rats in Duman's study, the effects lasted for 7 to 10 days.

Can Ketamine Be Effective Long-Term?

The one-week duration of that study's follow-up period points to another hurdle on the track to widespread etamine treatment -- that is, that ketamine has not yet been shown to have long-lasting effects.

In fact, Dr. David Feifel, a Professor of Psychiatry at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and Director of the Neuropsychiatry and
Behavioral Medicine Program at UCD Medical Center, says he expects that all patients who are given only a single ketamine injection will eventually relapse.

     It is very important to note, though, that Feifel says there are already a number of interesting methods evolving to address this problem, such as giving multiple
injections over a series of weeks, similar to how electroconvulsive therapy is applied.

A Treatment that Might
Completely Eliminate Depression

A recent study conducted by Dr. Carlos Zarate, Jr., chief of the Mood Disorders Research Unit at the National Institute of Mental Health, tracked the effects of a single injection of ketamine on 17 participants diagnosed with treatment-resistant major depression.

     The participants filled out a 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 110 minutes after their injection, and again at 24 hours, and one week after. 

The study showed a statistically relevant drop after 110 minutes, and after 24 hours,
the symptoms of 71% of the participants had been significantly reduced
and the symptoms of 29% of the participants had been completely eliminated.

That means all 17 participants obtained significant relief from depression -- a 100% success rate from a single injection!

     In keeping with Feifel's observation about longevity of results, Zarate's study makes no mention of the benefits of the treatment lasting longer than one week.  However, the rapidity of the results found by Zarate and upheld by other researchers is the aspect of ketamine that many scientists believe needs more research.

     If a safe and easily administered version of ketamine is developed, it will fulfill the hope that's already been raised for the approximately 40% of those suffering from depression whose symptoms don't respond to established methods of treatment.  And it could also bring faster relief to those whose depression is only alleviated after months or even years of treatment.

     One extremely beneficial way to take advantage of ketamine's rapid effects against depression might
be to administer it to people suffering from suicidal thoughts who typically only respond after weeks of treatment with traditional drugs.

     Even now, ketamine is being used in some facilities including the UCSD Medical Center where Dr. Feifel works.  Although ketamine is not yet an approved medicine, UCSD offers intravenous ketamine infusions for patients who are extremely ill and have no other options.
How to Reverse the Aging of Your Skin -- This is Fact, Not Fiction!    
Humans have always yearned to stay young.  Even Shakespeare bemoaned the passing of youth when he
said, "a moist eye, a dry hand, a yellow cheek, a white beard, a decreasing leg, an increasing belly . . . your voice is broken, your wind is short, your chin double, your wit single, and every part about you blasted with antiquity."

he search for a magical formula for enduring youth has pressed on for centuries.  All this searching has led mostly to myths and mirages

-- until now.

Harvard Scientists
Just Took a Huge Step Forward
in the Race to Reverse Aging.

With an experimental treatment developed by researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, researchers "turned weak and feeble old mice into healthy animals by regenerating their aged bodies," reported a recent issue of the Guardian.

Dr. Ronald DePinho"What we saw in these animals was not a slowing down or stabilization of the
aging process.  We saw a dramatic reversal

-- and that was unexpected," said Ronald DePinho in the Guardianinterview.  DePinho led the remarkable study, which was published in the journal Nature.

"These were severely aged animals," DePinho explained, "but after a month of treatment they showed a substantial restoration, including the growth of new neurons in their brains."

     These researchers caution that performing the exact same trick in humans will be more difficult -- additional study is underway.  But the science itself has myriad possible applications.  Even now, one anti-aging pioneer has become the first physician ever licensed to deliver this anti-aging protocol to the public.

This Man is Growing
Younger -- And So Can You!

In 2008, a 52-year-old man underwent this revolutionary therapy involving telomerase activation.  Just one month after he started, his Bio Age Assessment showed dramatic and measurable age reversal:
  • His lungs had the pulmonary age of 25 years old
  • His heart had the cardio age of 35 years old
  • His brain had the neural age of 46 years old
Moreover, his vision and memory improved, he was mentally sharper, and most important of all ... he felt healthier. 
That's just after one month!

     This man's name is Dr. Al Sears, a medical pioneer in the field of anti-aging and alternative therapies.  The anti-aging therapy he used involves the amazing science of telomeres.

     Dr. Sears has been researching the power of telomeres for years -- and now, he has also become the first doctor in the U.S. to apply telomere biology to develop an anti-aging DNA cream that can reduce the age of your skin by up to 30%!

     Dr. Sears's telomere-based formula also has the ability to:
  • Tighten up your sagging jaw line
  • Make your crow's feet disappear
  • Banish sun and aging spots

The Science of Aging
What the Harvard researchers did to make mice grow younger is based on telomerase activation -- a discovery so astonishing that the 3 scientists who discovered it won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009.

     Telomeres are a segment of DNA found in every cell in the body -- and they're critical to youthful cell function.  Every time a cell divides, the telomeres shorten.  Eventually, they shorten too much that they're unable to function -- and the cell either dies or enters a suspended state called "senescence."  Telomerase is an enzyme that slows the shortening of the telomeres, thereby delaying
the onset of aging.

     The Harvard researchers bred mice to be insufficient in the enzyme telomerase.  With nothing to prevent the shortening of their telomeres, the mice aged prematurely and suffered severe physical and neurological ailments.  But when DePinho injected the mice to reactivate the missing enzyme, damaged tissues repaired themselves and the signs of aging reversed.
Turning Complex DNA
Science into Revolutionary Skincare
By keeping longer telomeres, your DNA "blueprint" tells your body to make younger-looking cells -- which means smoother, more radiant skin.  In clinical trials, that's exactly what happened.  Longer telomeres translated to moist, firm skin with fewer lines and blemishes.

     In one clinical trial, nearly all patients realized impressive results:
- 100% increased the level of moisture in their skin

- 100% saw the appearance of sun spots improve significantly

- Over 90% saw a decrease in the appearance of redness and pore size

- 75% experienced an improvement in skin tone and elasticity

- 75% felt roughness and the appearance of fine lines faded noticeably

Most skin creams rely on emollients and "cosmeceuticals" to temporarily smooth lines and wrinkles.  But this unprecedented formula can, by physically repairing the telomeres in your skin's DNA, actually slow the aging process and extend the life of your skin cells.
The visible result of this process is that it plumps up your skin and erases wrinkles.
What Users Have
Already Discovered
Jackie SilverJackie Silver, author of  Aging Backwards, wrote about her own experience with the formula after noticing what she called a "huge improvement" in her skin's  appearance.  She reported a
reduction of fine lines ... skin that just looks plump and juicy ...
and skin tone that evened out.

     And she said, "My skin looks like it did in my 30s, if not 20s!"

     Another user -- Toni from Cincinnati, Ohio -- was most surprised by the impact this formula had on her jaw line.  After 4 months of consistent use, she said, "I am getting definition back around my jaw line.  My skin tone and elasticity have improved and the skin on my neck has tightened a lot.  My face definitely looks younger!"

     Others have seen results in less than a month. Laura, from Suffolk, Virginia, was interviewed after 3 weeks of using the formula.  She said, "Yesterday I met a friend for lunch that I hadn't seen in 3 weeks.  While we were sitting across from each other talking, she suddenly said, 'You know, Laura, your face really looks good today ... prettier than I've ever seen you.'"

     We've heard many times that one skin cream or another is the answer to aging, sagging skin.  We're bombarded with announcements for new products and
injections promising to erase the years.  But how many
anti-aging products stand on science that recently garnered a Nobel Prize in medicine?

     None ...
until now.

     Telomeres biology is a revolution in skin rejuvenation.  Get the full story on how to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots with "DNA Technology" -- and reduce the age of your skin by up to 30%.  Just follow this link to experience Dr. Sears's amazing discovery.

If the links above are not working, just copy
& paste the following website address onto your Internet browser
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