Home Remedies And Natural Cures - Breaking Health News. The Alternative Therapy.
This 1-1/2 Cent Miracle Could Save Your Life Or The Life Of A Loved One Who Suffers From Cancer
- Mesothelioma Cancer Cancer -- > Killing You After 20 Years?
Mesothelioma Cancer
is a rare type of cancer in the general population. However, in individuals that were exposed to asbestos, it is not as rare. There are experts that have speculated on other causes. There are incidences of Mesothelioma with no known asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is not a lung cancer. Smoking does not cause it. It is a cancer of the mesothelial cells. Mesothelioma
Causes of Mesothelioma
The only known, established cause of Mesothelioma is asbestos. The asbestos fibers are breathed in, travel through the lung and become lodged in the pleura, the thin, saran wrap-type membrane that lines that encases the lung. The pleura, produces a special lubricating fluid that facilitates the ability of the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing. The process of irritation from the infiltration of the asbestos fibers creates changes in the cells, which causes the Mesothelioma. This is known as pleural Mesothelioma. Less common is peritoneal Mesothelioma, which is a cancer of the membrane that encompasses the lining of the abdomen.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
An individual with Mesothelioma experiences chest pain usually caused by a build-up of fluid in the pleural space called an effusion and shortness of breath. Since many doctors may not have expertise in the area of asbestos-related diseases, these symptoms are often believed, at first, to be attributable to other medical problems. A biopsy of the pleural tissue or fluid may reveal the cancer of the mesothelial cells and a proper diagnosis can thus be established. A history of the individual’s occupational exposure shall be taken. Since there is no “safe” level of exposure to asbestos, even brief, low level exposures may be enough to cause Mesothelioma.
Occurrence of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and its incidence is actually increasing day by day. There is presently no known cure for Mesothelioma. As the disease progresses, the cancerous cells harden the pleura and spread. As time passes, breathing, sleeping and eating become more difficult and eventually it becomes increasingly more challenging for the victim to engage in normal activities and enjoy life.
Treatments of Mesotheliomá
A number of treatments have been established to help contain the spread of the disease and reduce the pain associated with it. Chemotherapy, radiation and radical surgery to remove the lung and pleura are among the options that have been explored by the treating physician.
Prevention is better than Cure
Mesothelioma is a preventable disease. Many of the corporations that manufacture and make profit from the sale of asbestos-containing products are aware of the hazards of asbestos. Alternative fibers are available that could be used instead of asbestos. But asbestos is cheap, and available, and is a good filler and binder.
Mesothelioma Support
Mesothelioma can be devastating news for a person even if they suspected it might develop sometime in their life. Maybe they worked at a diner that catered to asbestos miners, or maybe they were miners themselves.
Either way, they have been exposed and know the chances are high of getting this type of cancer. It is not just hard on the person who has it but their entire network of family and friends. There are many places to get support from others who have mesothelioma or have had experience with it.
Many towns have cancer support groups that meet on a weekly basis to share their experiences and offer hope to others. This is a great way to reach out and get the support you need from others in the same situation.
Family members are often encouraged to attend so they can express their feelings as well. Though often skipped, this is a very useful tool and the people who attend these meetings often know specialists in the field and can offer great advice.
Mesothelioma websites and message boards are also a great option. If you feel fatigued and don't want to leave the house, this the place to go. You can join forums, get information, and find out all the latest news you need to know on the Internet.
Smaller towns may not have an "in-person" option when it comes to support groups and the Internet is full of sites dedicated to just what you are looking for. You can also find a ton of information about lawyers if needed.
Mesothelioma- Are You At Risk?
Mesothelioma is a relatively rare type of cancer that occurs when cancerous cells grow in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a protective lining that is on most of your internal organs. Typically, mesothelioma is attributed to asbestos exposure when someone inhales particles and they become lodged in the lungs.
To be in the "at risk" category, odds are you had to have come into contact with asbestos at one time or another. Asbestos is a mass of flexible fibrous material that is naturally found in the Earth.
For many years it was used in common goods such as shingles, brake pads, cement, flooring, and insulation. The mining process as well as the plants that manufactured products containing asbestos are the top contributors to mesothelioma.
Unfortunately, many more people come into contact than just the laborers. Their families are at great risk because the particles come home on clothing and can get all over the place. Laundry is a big factor. Anyone who has handled the clothing of the workers is at risk as well. This includes commercial laundry facilities as well as homes.
Asbestos was almost completely banned in 1989 but it has been in use since the late 1800s and peaked with World War II. Mesothelioma takes anywhere from 20 to 50 years to show up so many people today are feeling the effects of the 40s, 50s, and 60s. An X-ray, CT scan, or MRI can tell you if you have mesothelioma. If you have ever been around asbestos, it's a good idea to mention that to your physician.
Pleural Mesothelioma Stages
Pleural mesothelioma is a type of cancer that grows in the outer lining of the lungs and is associated with exposure to asbestos earlier in life. This exposure could come from old buildings, factories, and from mining asbestos.
Asbestos particles effect more than just those that mine or work with it. It also can come home with them and be inhaled by family members and even people at a business close to a mine or factory. Pleural mesothelioma is categorized in four distinct stages.
The most common system to determine the stage mesothelioma is called the International Mesothelioma Interest Group (IMIG) system and is based on the TNM system used in other types of cancer.
Stage one is when the cancer is beginning to affect the outer layers of the lung or chest wall on one side and may be on the diaphragm. This only applies when the mesothelioma is on one side of the chest.
Stage two is when the mesothelioma is in both the inner and outer layers of the lung and a tumor has started to grow.
In stage three it may have spread to the chest wall or possibly the pericardium or the sac that covers the heart and its main arteries and blood vessels. It could also be spread to the lymph nodes as well.
Stage four is when the tumor has grown too large to be successfully removed with traditional surgical methods. It could have spread to other organs, lymph nodes on both sides of the chest, or above the neckline.
Each stage has a variety of treatment options available.
Mesothelioma Surgery
If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be able to have one of many different types of surgery to help out in different ways.
There are various procedures that you may have to undergo and they can usually be classified in three ways.
There are diagnostic procedures, palliative procedures, and curative procedures.
Diagnostic procedures are basically the step after you are suspected to have mesothelioma and you have fluid buildup or what could be a tumor growing in either the inner or outer lining of your lungs.
A common procedure is called a thoracoscopy. This procedure is used to get an absolute diagnosis and sometimes to check how large a tumor may be.
Video-assisted thoracic surgery is also an option while in the diagnostic stage. A small camera is inserted into the chest so the pathologist can get a good look at what is going on and also get a sample of tissues.
Palliative surgery is intended to treat one or more symptoms of mesothelioma but doesn't actually stop the progression of the disease. A chest tube to drain excess fluid build-up is one of the first symptoms and can be persistent. Occasionally, a small catheter may be used for continuous drainage.
Curative procedures, though not 100% effective, seek to eliminate the entire tumor and hopefully cure the disease without using chemotherapy or radiation. If the tumor can't be removed, sometimes the entire lung may have to be excised. This is called pneumonectomy. This procedure is also used in peritoneal mesothelioma also.
To Sum up
The varied and non-specific symptoms associated with Mesothelioma, can delay detection and diagnosis The cancer has a very long latency period, which means that it could be thirty years or more before the person even realizes that they have contracted the cancer .The onset of symptoms can take up to fifty years or more in some cases, but once the symptoms have manifested the lifespan of the person can be as short as several months. So, if you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor right away. Make sure that your physician is aware of any previous asbestos exposure, and occupational risk factors.
This book reveals the remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive -- and enables the body to cure itself of disease. This has been the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller in the Health, Mind & Body (Alternative Medicine) category 9 times this year. Readers consider it "one of the best books on healing" they've ever read, and say that "every household must have this book." *TheGreatest Manifestation Principle in the World:
The Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires This critically-acclaimed life-changing book, which people have called "divinely inspired," reveals a powerful principle that enables you to truly manifest your heart's desires -- health, wealth, joy, ideal relationships, a successful career, self-fulfillment, peace and all the good things in life.
If your dog could write you a letter, this is what the letter would say. This adorable little book is one that is treasured by dog lovers of any age. It's not just a book -- it's an emotional experience! * Midwinter Turns to Spring (Hardcover with Music CD)
-The Novel That Sings! Immerse yourself in the multi-media experience of the only novel that comes with its own music soundtrack. The flamenco-inspired music gives a whole new dimension to novel reading.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this post are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted.The information in this post is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
This "Principle" Makes Cancer Vanish ... Tumors Shrink ... Pain Disappear ... and Health Transformations Occur!
In This Issue:
*Did You Know...? *Featured Topic: Super Foods are Equivalent to Drinking 9 Pounds of Vegetables a Day *A Word from Our Sponsor: How An Amazing Marine Plant Heals Chronic Disease Within Days
Did You Know...
...that love—yes, love—can cause cancer to vanish ... tumors to shrink ... chronic pain to disappear ... and remarkable health transformations to occur?
Most people don't realize that love is the cornerstone of all healings. Healing is rarely complete without it. Even prayer-based healing is fueled by one's heartfelt acknowledgement and affirmation of the power of divine love. Sometimes, all that is necessary to heal a patient is just to love them at the spiritual level—and allow them to heal by their own recognition that they are loved.
Following is an excerpt from The Top 10 Natural Cancer Cures No One is Talking About that illustrates the phenomenon of healing through love:
Dr. James Rogers Newton, a renowned 19th century public healer from Cincinnati, Ohio, performed seemingly miraculous healings primarily by gazing lovingly upon his patients. His fame spread and his practice ballooned until his waiting rooms were brimming with ill people seeking his help.
At the height of his career, Dr. Newton was healing 100 patients a day, and many of these healings were even notarized and attested to by the most notable individuals in Cincinnati. In his book, The Modern Bethesda or The Gift of Healing Restored (written in 1879), he wrote: "The healer must be imbued with the love principle."
Another extraordinary healer is a man named Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh). He doesn't use specific healing techniques, but with his love and gaze alone, he is able to heal people from severe illnesses, including cancer. Braco does not offer private sessions but instead gazes at groups of people, sometimes numbering in the thousands—and the sessions usually take only 10 to 15 minutes.
Braco's real name is Josip Grbavac. He was the only child in his family and was born in Zagreb, Croatia. For more than 16 years, thousands of people of all ages, religions, races, philosophies and ideologies have been flocking to Srebrnjak, Croatia daily to experience the healing phenomenon of his gaze.
As of 2009, Braco began conducting gazing sessions in the U.S. attended by thousands of people seeking to be healed. Wherever he goes, stories of radical healings and recoveries from serious diseases have transpired. Cancers vanish ... chronic pain disappears ... tumors shrink ... and remarkable health transformations occur ... not just by gazing with Braco in person, or via the Internet (with Skype and live streaming), but also by simply hearing a recording of Braco's voice or being in a photograph that another person holds before Braco's gaze.
Some of the healings occur instantly, while others take a little more time—within a month or so of the gaze.
Tumor Shrinks 80%; Leukemia Vanishes
A woman named Michelle Kearney had a brain tumor when she first attended Braco's gazing session in Los Angeles on June 4, 2010. One week later, she went in for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Her MRI report showed that her tumor had shrunk more than 80%.
A 21-year-old male family member of Paola Harris, the woman credited for bringing Braco to the U.S. in 2009, was suffering from leukemia. After a few gazing sessions with Braco, he was completely healed.
The "Invisible Hug" That Heals
Those who have attended Braco's gazing sessions—including scientists and researchers—have compared Braco's loving gaze to an "invisible hug" that reconnects people to wellness, creating healing miracles. Many women—as well as men—who are in the presence of his gaze find that tears inexplicably begin streaming from their eyes.
Fox News in Cleveland and Indianapolis covered the events during Braco's Autumn Tour in 2010. They reported on Braco's healing gift as follows:
Braco's 'Look of Love' is deeply touching people's lives across the U.S. as he shares his gentle gaze, bringing a gift that awaens a new hope for many and offers a deeper connection to spirit in lives coast-to-coast. He is a phenomenon of grace, and the positive interaction that takes place in gazing sessions with him leads to testimonies by visitors of a renewed connection to life and purpose, a new embrace of an inner peace and the beauty of life, and also some amazing health recoveries.
Braco's rare healing ability is clearly a demonstration of the power of love to heal even the most hopeless health conditions. It also sheds light on every human being's innate—but often undiscovered—ability to tap into love's power to heal themselves and others. Healings are often medically and intellectually unexplainable, yet undeniably miraculous. Proof of the help Braco has been providing to so many people is documented in over 20 books and 50 videocassettes and DVDs.
Liver and Intestinal Cancer Disappears
A cancer patient who attended one of Braco's gazing sessions in Croatia said, "Doctors told me I had liver and intestinal cancer. The first time I met Braco here at Srebrnjak, I felt completely different. My pains had gone. I went for all the tests and nothing was found—as if taken away by hand. Doctors couldn't understand it."
To experience the healing power of love via Braco's live streaming sessions on the Internet, go to Braco-tv.com.
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Featured Topic:
Super Foods are Equivalent to Drinking 9 Pounds of Vegetables a Day
Everyone knows that eating vegetables daily is one of the keys to vibrant health and longevity. "Eat your vegetables!" has become a mantra because it's been repeated so often to us since childhood.
Even so, most adults don't consume enough vegetables daily for proper nutrition. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 70% of Americans are not getting their recommended daily servings of vegetables.
= = = = = = = = = = = A Word from Our Sponsor:
How An Amazing Marine Plant Heals Chronic Disease Within Days
Do you know what the most nutrient-dense superfood in existence is ... one that has been shown to heal chronic disease within days ... and make your health improve (instead of deteriorate) as you get older? Hint: It's a plant that grows in every ocean on the planet ... ... is the food on which more than 95% of all ocean creatures depend for survival ... Answer: That amazing plant is ... marine phytoplankton ... the most potent food on earth! After over 10 years of research, and millions of dollars invested, a team of European doctors, microbiologists and botanists discovered one amazing strain of marine phytoplankton that contains the highest nutritional values for human consumption.
To find out how you can eliminate your nutritional deficiencies, activate cellular regeneration and healing with Ocean's Alive concentrated marine phytoplankton, click here. Learn how it can help improve your health as you get older, why it's different from other types of marine phytoplankton that are available on the market—and how, in as little as 6 days, you can nourish every single cell in your body with it.
1) Many don't like the bland taste of vegetables (and prefer to eat meat, fish, potatoes, pasta and other tastier food items instead).
2) Many are too lazy to clean and cut vegetables, or learn to cook them so that they become appetizing.
3) Even those who love vegetables and consume a lot of vegetables daily (including vegetarians), are rarely nourished sufficiently because of the severe nutritional depletion of vegetables.
Today's vegetables are significantly lower in essential nutrients than foods produced 50 years ago. Modern farming practices have depleted our soils of minerals—and the long shipping and storage time between harvest and selling reduces nutrient content further. As a result, most vegetables sold in commercial establishments are demineralized and nutritionally depleted.
FACT: You need 10 servings of vegetables to obtain the nutritional equivalent of 1 serving from 50 years ago.
This is why a great majority of people are nutritionally deficient—and this deficiency brings about a host of health conditions and diseases. Why Taking a Multivitamin (or Mineral Supplement) is Not the Answer
According to the world's largest study on multivitamins, people (particularly middle-aged women) who take multivitamin supplements are not gaining health benefits. Instead, most of the vitamins are excreted, giving birth to the term "expensive urine."
Study researchers examined the vitamin habits of nearly 162,000 American women aged 50 to 79—and found that among those who took dietary supplements, there was no evidence that their vitamin intake reduced common cancers, heart disease or deaths.
Most multivitamins and minerals are synthetic combinations of isolated USP vitamins and minerals. In contrast, vitamins and minerals contained in foods are bound to natural food complexes with proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. When such a bond exists, the human body recognizes the entire food complex as food. Synthetic vitamins are not bound to anything, and often have an entirely different chemical structure from those found in foods.
For this reason, supplements derived from whole foods, not synthetic pills, are recommended by many nutrition experts.
"It is whole foods that pack the disease-preventing wallop. That's because they harbor a whole ratatouille of compounds that have never seen the inside of a vitamin bottle." — Newsweek, April 25, 1994
While there are several types of food-based multivitamins and minerals on the market, many health authorities consider 3 superfoods as the ideal supplements ... especially when one is not able to consume a sufficient amount of vegetables on a daily basis. Super Food No. 1: Spirulina
Spirulina is a blue green algae, which is considered the most nutrient-dense food on the planet. It contains concentrations of nutrients far exceeding any other known vegetation. It is the best vegetable protein source, containing about 65 % protein, higher than any other natural food—far more than animal flesh (20%), eggs (12%), whole milk (3%), soybeans (35%), peanuts (25%) or grains (8-14%). It is considered a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids.
Spirulina grows so fast that it yields 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans. It also contains extraordinary concentrations of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such as beta carotene (10 times more concentrated than that of carrots), iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, essential trace minerals, and gamma-linolenic acid. It is also the most abundant source of Vitamin B-12, and is also rich in phytonutrients and functional nutrients that demonstrate a positive effect on health.
Because spirulina's nutrient profile is more potent than any other food, plant, grain or herb, it is considered a superior whole food alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. Super Food No. 2: Barley Grass
Barley grass is yet another super food that has an extremely high nutrient profile. One of the major proponents of barley grass is Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, a Japanese doctor, researcher, inventor and scientist. Dr. Hagiwara reports that, among the 150 plants he researched over a period of 13 years, barley grass was the best source of nutrients needed by the body for healing, vitality, growth, repair and well-being. A serving size of barley grass has 7 times more vitamin C than an orange; 30 times more Vitamin B1 and 11 times more calcium than 8 ounces of cow's milk; 5 times more iron than 1 cup of spinach; and 4 times more Vitamin B1 than 2 slices of whole wheat bread.
In juice form, barley grass is about 45% protein, and is a powerful antioxidant. It contains considerable amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other beneficial nutrients.
The pure juice of young barely leaves is said to be one of the richest sources of Superoxide Dismutase (S.O.D.), an anti-aging enzyme. Current research shows that S.O.D. can actually delay or slow down the aging process.
Herbalists, nutritionists, and physicians recommend barley grass for ailments such as arthritis, migraines, asthma, fatigue, and gastrointestinal disorders. Barley grass is also recommended by Dr Lorraine Day, who healed herself of late stage breast cancer through a natural regimen which includes barley grass.
Super Food No. 3: Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is the substance that gives leaves and plants their green color. It is essential to the production of carbohydrates by photosynthesis, and is particularly abundant in green vegetables like alfalfa, broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, beet greens, green peppers, kale, leeks and turnip greens.
The molecular structure of chlorophyll is virtually identical to the molecular structure of hemin, a part of hemoglobin which transports oxygen throughout the body. As such, it helps to rebuild and replenish red blood cells in the body, boosts energy and increases wellbeing. It has also been used to help treat anemia.
Chlorophyll cleanses the liver of heavy metals and chemical toxins, increases heart function, improves the vascular system, cleanses and improves the health of the intestines, uterus, and lungs. It is also a natural breath freshener and body deodorizer. How to Drink 9 Pounds Of Vegetables Everyday
If you're among the 70% of adults who aren't getting their recommended daily servings of vegetables—and the thought of eating 10 servings of spinach, collards, kale, green beans and peppers, and other green vegetables doesn't sound appealing (or possible for you to do)—you have the option of taking spirulina, barley grass and chlorophyll instead.
Dr. Al Sears has formulated the most perfect blend of these 3 most powerful superfoods on the planet. All you have to do is mix in 2 teaspoons of this blend into a glass of juice or water—and drink it everyday. It has the nutrient equivalent of 9 pounds of assorted vegetables. In the time it takes you to pour yourself a cup of coffee, you can supply your body with pure nutrition at the cellular level—energize and revitalize your entire body and deliver raw energy and immune-boosting power. Click here to get the details.
This book reveals the remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive -- and enables the body to cure itself of disease. This has been the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller in the Health, Mind & Body (Alternative Medicine) category 9 times this year. Readers consider it "one of the best books on healing" they've ever read, and say that "every household must have this book." *TheGreatest Manifestation Principle in the World:
The Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires This critically-acclaimed life-changing book, which people have called "divinely inspired," reveals a powerful principle that enables you to truly manifest your heart's desires -- health, wealth, joy, ideal relationships, a successful career, self-fulfillment, peace and all the good things in life.
If your dog could write you a letter, this is what the letter would say. This adorable little book is one that is treasured by dog lovers of any age. It's not just a book -- it's an emotional experience! * Midwinter Turns to Spring (Hardcover with Music CD)
-The Novel That Sings! Immerse yourself in the multi-media experience of the only novel that comes with its own music soundtrack. The flamenco-inspired music gives a whole new dimension to novel reading.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this post are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted.The information in this post is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
A Miracle Food with a 90% Success Rate at Curing Terminal Cancer
*Did You Know...? *Featured Topic: A Miracle Food with a 90% Success Rate at Curing Cancer—Especially Terminal Cancer! *A Word from Our Sponsor: Unleash The Secret To Living a Longer and Better Life
Did You Know...
...that a natural supplement called MSM (methyl-sulfonyl methane) delivers the same pain relief as popular over-the-counter arthritis painkillers—but without the serious and potentially fatal health risks?
Countless Americans, many on the recommendations of their doctors, keep arthritis pain in check by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like naproxen (Aleve), and ibuprofen, (Advil, Motrin, Midol, Pamprin).
However, it's becoming increasingly clear that these drugs can have dangerous and even fatal side effects. In 1998, the American Journal of Medicine reported that in the U.S., NSAIDs cause more than 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths among arthritis patients each year. That means that on average, 44 arthritis patients die each day as a consequence of taking NSAIDs.
There are plenty of other serious reasons to avoid these dangerous painkillers:
Researchers at the University of Newcastle in Australia have shown that NSAID use is a significant contributor to congestive heart failure.
Physicians in Norway used x-ray evaluations to show that patients taking NSAIDs experience significantly more rapid destruction of their joints than arthritis sufferers who use other treatment methods.
Just this month, researchers from Harvard Medical School reported disturbing evidence that NSAIDs may increase the risk of kidney cancer. According to the report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, patients face a more than 50% increase in the likelihood of contracting the dangerous, often fatal disease.
Since pharmaceutical companies do not publicize these facts and neither do mainstream media sources, the companies' customers—or maybe victims is the more appropriate term—are typically unaware of these grim statistics.
The good news for those with arthritis—and other conditions requiring pain management—is that there are many alternative cures that are more effective and have none of the dangerous side effects of NSAIDs.
MSM: A Better Way to Eliminate Pain
One particularly promising treatment option is methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and blood vessel dilator.
This yellow mineral is a form of sulfur, the 4th most abundant mineral element in the human body. Sulfur is found in every cell of every living thing on Earth, and plays an essential role in the creation and regeneration of the body's tissues.
Sulfur minerals like MSM...
MSM can also...
Alleviate allergies to food and pollens
Assist the liver in producing choline
Control acidity in the stomach, thereby reducing the occurrence of ulcers
Coat the intestinal tract, so parasites are unable to thrive
Prevent hypersensitivity to drugs
Boost the body's ability to produce insulin
MSM also has an important influence on carbohydrate metabolism and wound healing.
How to Use MSM
Most health practitioners advise that MSM will be most effective when taken by itself at high dosages. Many recommend 2,000 to 10,000 mg daily in divided doses with meals, suggesting that this regimen provides effective and prolonged relief for many arthritis sufferers. Maximum benefits may take several months to achieve.
MSM is available in the form of crystals, capsules, or as a gel. Information on MSM suppliers and retailers can be found easily online by searching for "MSM" or "methyl-sulfonyl methane."
= = = = = = = = = = = Featured Topic:
A Miracle Food with a 90% Success Rate at Curing Cancer—Especially Terminal Cancer!
Beulah, a lung cancer patient from South Carolina, was 80 when her doctors gave her a death sentence diagnosis. "We have no treatment for you," they said. "You have 6 months to live."
But Beulah didn't give up so easily. She went home and searched for alternatives online—and found Bill Henderson, a top cancer expert who's helped thousands of terminal cancer patients from 74 countries become cancer free.
Two months later, when Beulah returned to the cancer clinic, her doctor was shocked. "What's going on here?" he asked, incredulous after seeing her test results. "The cancer is melting away!"
Another doctor compared Beulah's new x-rays with the originals from 2 months earlier. "This can't be the same woman," he insisted. "There's no cancer here!"
Reversing the Death Sentences of Terminal Cancer Patients
What Beulah's doctors didn't know was that based on information she received from Bill Henderson, she was curing her cancer at home by eating what may be the most effective cancer-killing food item in existence. Many of the cancer patients that Bill helped were already written off as "hopeless" and "terminal." Their doctors had given up on them, telling them there's nothing more they could do ... or giving them a sentence, such as "You have only 3 months to live."
Henderson states, "I've personally seen these death sentences reversed when the patients used the home cure I recommend."
That home cure is the miracle food shown to have a 90% success rate at curing cancer, according to the German-born biochemist and 7-time Nobel Prize nominee who discovered it. It's an amazing food that "liquidates" cancer, melting it away with no side effects.
This simple food-based cancer protocol is particularly effective at treating late-stage, terminal cases of cancer, such as the ones below:
"Terminal" brain cancer melted away naturally: Seventh-generation Louisiana plantation owner Richard L. checked into a hospice—a place where you go to wait for death—after a doctor gave him two months to live. When Richard learned about the miracle food he checked out of the hospice and treated his cancer at home! Four years later, he was still alive and well.
"Terminal" breast cancer melted away naturally: A doctor from Little Rock, Arkansas, gave Sandra G. two months to live. This doctor was stunned to learn that Sandra got rid of her cancer at home.
"Terminal" ovarian cancer melted away naturally: Mariah P.'s cancer doctor in Wisconsin gave her 3 months to live because her ovarian cancer had spread to her liver. But she proved the doctor was wrong by getting rid of the hidden cause of her cancer. Today she's cancer free, and her future is bright.
"Terminal" colorectal cancer melted away naturally: A doctor in Boston told Will R., a management consultant, that he had only 6 months to live. But Will got rid of his cancer at home with the miracle food. And to his surprise, his other health problems also disappeared—no more splitting headaches, no more sleep apnea, no more chronic fatigue, no more severe night sweats, and no more fungus on his feet.
Even Cancers That are Advanced are Curable
In a 1967 interview, the female biochemist who discovered the miracle food said, "99% of the sick that come to see me ... are cancer patients who have had operations and radiation sessions, and were diagnosed as being far too advanced for another operation to be of any help. Even in those cases health can be restored, usually within a few months, I would say in 90% of all cases."
Writing in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients in 1990, cancer researcher and physician Dan C. Roehm, M.D., F.A.C., states, "What she has demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice, is this: cancer is easily curable!"
Dr. Roehm was simply expressing what he saw in his own patients who used the miracle food. He went on to say, "The treatment is dietary/lifestyle [and] the response is immediate. The cancer cell is weak and vulnerable, the precise biochemical breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 and is specifically correctable."
The Bill Henderson Protocol: Reversing Cancer in 6 - 8 Weeks
One might assume Bill Henderson is a doctor, given his vast knowledge in curing cancer—but he's not. He's a retired Air Force colonel who lost his wife Marge to cancer in 1994. But Bill insists that Marge didn't die of cancer—she was killed by the poisonous chemo that destroyed her immune system.
Marge's death caused Bill to embark on a full-time research career to find alternative methods for healing cancer. Ultimately, Bill wrote two acclaimed books on natural cancer cures and became well known for developing a comprehensive cancer-healing protocol (called "the Bill Henderson Protocol" by Canadian researchers) which uses gentle, non-toxic, and low-cost methods that reverse cancer in 6-8 weeks.
Although the miracle food alone is often powerful enough to cure cancer permanently, based on Bill's experience with thousands of patients, the best results are achieved when one implements his full protocol. Although the term "protocol" makes the cancer cure sound daunting and complicated, the steps are actually so simple they fit on an index card you can tape to your refrigerator door. Bill's special report gives the details of the protocol that will enable anyone to quickly and easily reverse cancer. Click here to get the report on how to cure cancer at home ... and to hear Bill's story in his own words.
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this post are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted.
The information in this post is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.